Bridge House College Scholarships 2018 :

Organisation : Bridge House College
Announcement : Bridge House College Scholarships 2018
Applicable for : Grade 8 Students

Website :
Bursary Application Form :
Scholarship Application Form :

Bridge House College Scholarships :

** Bridge House College is offering a number of scholarships for Grade 8 in 2018 for academic, cultural and sporting excellence.
** All pupils who wish to apply for a scholarship or bursary must write the scholarship tests.

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** Please contact Gill Malcolm gilmal AT for information about the scholarship tests which will be written on 11 March 2017.
** Some full bursaries for children who live in the Berg River Valley are available.
** Family income is assessed so that the family makes an appropriate contribution towards the cost of schooling.

** Bridge House joins a partnership with the donor and parents to cover the full cost of education over a 5-yr period.
** The Bursary Funds are externally audited on an annual basis.
** Download the bursary and scholarship application forms below.

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Scholarship Application :
1. The Bridge House scholarship awards committee’s decision is final. The student will be required to write the school’s scholarship test and attend an interview at the school.

2. The scholarship will be tenable until the end of the student’s school career, provided that the student’s progress and results are satisfactory and the student adheres to the School’s Code of Conduct.
3. If successful, I will accept responsibility for the balance of fees, all other deposits and charges to the account.

Enclosed :
** A copy of the student’s most recent report.
** Other relevant supporting documentation (Award certificates etc)

Bursary Application :
Bursary at Bridge House, and understand and accept the following conditions :
1. Bursaries are awarded on all round ability or special merit (academic, sporting or cultural).
2. The Bridge House awards committee’s decision is final. The student will be required to write the school’s entrance tests and attend an interview at the school.

3. The Bursary will be tenable until the end of the student’s school career, provided that the student’s progress and results are satisfactory.
4. If the application for the above student is successful, I will accept the responsibility of paying a nominal monthly amount agreed upon by myself and the school.

Enclosed :
** A certified copy of the student’s results to date ie school report
** 2 Testimonials in support of this application
** Other relevant supporting documentation eg certificates etc © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map