Mandela Rhodes Scholarship 2018 :

Organisation : The Mandela Rhodes Foundation
Announcement : Mandela Rhodes Scholarship
Applicable for :Scholar to study at a South African tertiary institution
Deadline : 18 April 2017.

Website :
Apply Here :

Mandela Rhodes Scholarship 2018 :

Overview of the Scholarship :
** The Mandela Rhodes Scholarships programme is a combination of financial support for postgraduate studies and a high quality leadership development programme, with the intention of building exceptional leadership capacity in Africa.

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Selection Criteria :
** The Scholarship is open to citizens of all African countries
** The Scholarship is for postgraduate study at South African universities or tertiary institutions
** Full funding is for Honours (maximum one year) or Masters (up to a maximum of two years) or their equivalents (MBA’s excluded)

** Any individual who will be between the ages of 19 and 30 years at the time of taking up the Scholarship may apply
** Applicants must possess a first degree or its equivalent or must be in the process of completing one by 31 January 2018

** Applicants should have a history of well above average academic results
** Individuals that reflect in their character a commitment to the four principles of Education, Reconciliation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship

** Applicants must be able to attend all compulsory elements of our leadership development programme. These activities can occur during the week or on weekends.
** The Scholarship cannot be deferred once awarded. It must be taken up in the year which was applied for.

Please Note :
** If you qualify for the Scholarship, The Mandela Rhodes Foundation does not apply to tertiary institutions on your behalf.
** Applicants must apply separately to their chosen tertiary institution for the degree they wish to undertake.
** The Scholarship award is conditional on the applicant being offered a place at the relevant institution.

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Apply :
General information :
** The opening date for 2018 Scholarship applications is 10 March 2017.
** The closing date is 18 April 2017.
** All Mandela Rhodes Scholarship applicants are to apply online via the Embark application system, accessible via the link at the bottom of this page.

The applications and selections process :
** All applicants apply online via the Embark application system.
Round 1:
** Applications reviewed by South African tertiary institutions and the Mandela Rhodes Foundation.
** By end June 2017, all applicants to be informed by tertiary institutions and the MRF whether or not their application is through to the next stage.

Round 2:
Reviews by the MRF.
** By the end of July 2017, remaining applicants to be informed by the MRF whether or not their application is through to the next stage.

Round 3:
** Reviews by the MRF. By end of September 2017, remaining applicants to be informed by the MRF whether or not their application is through to the next stage.

Final round:
** Panel interviews with Selection Committees in October.
** By end of November 2017, panel interviewed applicants to be informed by the MRF whether or not they have been selected as Mandela Rhodes Scholars.

A. Financial scope of the scholarship :
The Scholarship covers the cost of a Scholar as follows :
** Tuition and registration fees as set by the institution;
** A study materials allowance as set by the MRF;
** Accommodation and meal allowances as set by the MRF;
** A medical aid allowance as set by the MRF;

** Economy-class travel allowance for international Scholars only from the Scholar’s home to their institution at the beginning and back home at the end of their degree programme;
** Personal allowance.

B. Leadership development programme :
The leadership development programme is made up of the following three components.
** Three residential workshops;
** Three regional group pods;
** Mentoring. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map