sailing.org.za International Certificate Of Competence : South African SAS

Organisation : South African Sailing (SAS)
Name of Facility: International Certificate Of Competence
Location : Pinelands

Website : http://sailing.org.za/skippers_tickets/2-icc
ICC Application Form for SAS Certificates : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7113-ApplicationSAS.pdf
ICC Application Form for SAMSA Certificates : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7108-L4Cleadership.pdf

International Certificate Of Competence :

** The International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft -more commonly known as the International Certificate of Competence or ICC – was established under Resolution 40 of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

Related : South African Revenue Service Request for Correction – RFC : www.southafricain.com/6974.html

** It has become quite common for charter companies in the Mediterranean to request the ICC.
** Both SAS and the RYA recommend that people wishing to go cruising around Europe and the Mediterranean obtain an ICC.
** SAS has been authorised to issue the ICC.

The prerequisites are :
1. The person must be at least 16 years of age.
2. The person must be a South African national or a South African resident with a valid South African ID document.

3. The person must hold an appropriate SAS or SAMSA Certificate of Competence. For SAS certificates the minimum requirement is a SAS Day Skipper Certificate of Competence, and the ICC issued is for power and sailing vessels <24m in coastal waters.

For SAMSA certificates the minimum requirement and the corresponding ICC is given in the table below :

SAMSA Certificate International Certificate
Day Skipper Category C <9m Power Vessels <9m in coastal waters
Day Skipper Category B <9m
Coastal Skipper < 9m
Skipper Offshore < 9m
Day Skipper Category C > 9m[<100GT] Power Vessels <24m in coastal waters
Day Skipper Category B >9m[<100GT]
Coastal Skipper >9m[<100GT]
Skipper Offshore >9m[<100GT]

** There are ICC certificates for inland waters and coastal waters.
** SAS only issues the ICC for coastal waters because ICC for inland waters requires detailed knowledge of the European CEVNI regulations for inland waters.
** The International Certificate of Competence issued by SAS is valid for 5 years.

Physical address :
Unit B40 Pinelands Business Park
New Mill Road

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