ife.org.za Level 4 Certificate Examination Syllabus : Institution of Fire Engineers

Organization : IFE – The Institution of Fire Engineers
Examination : IFE – Level 4 Certificate Examination
Announcement : Syllabus
Subject : Fire Science and Fire Safety

Website : http://www.ife.org.za/syllabus-l4c/
Download L4C Syllabus :
Unit 1 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7090-L4Cunit1.pdf
Unit 2 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7090-L4Cunit2.pdf
Unit 3 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7090-L4Cunit3.pdf
Unit 4 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7090-L4Cunit4.pdf
Unit 5 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7090-L4Cunit5.pdf
Unit 6 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7090-L4Cunit6.pdf
Unit 7 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/7090-L4Cunit7.pdf

IFE Level 4 Certificate Examination Syllabus

Download Fire Science and Fire Safety Syllabus for The Institution of Fire Engineers IFE – Level 4 Certificate Examination here

Related / Similar Syllabus : IFE Level 2 Certificate Examination Syllabus

Syllabus :
** Unit 1 – Fire Engineering Science
** Unit 2 – Fire Safety
** Unit 3 – Fire Service Operations and Incident Command
** Unit 4 – Aviation Fire Operations
** Unit 5 – Leadership and Management
** Unit 6 – Fire Investigation
** Unit 7 – Civil Emergency and Disaster Management

Fire Service Operations and Incident Command :

1. Pre-planning :

 Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

1.1 Evaluate the purpose of pre- planning and inter agency liaison for all emergency incidents and assess the pre-planning requirements for any specified emergency

 Incidents to include:

All fire situations

All Rescue situations

Major incidents and incidents involving civil disturbance

Acts of terrorism and natural disaster

Incidents involving hazardous materials

Information gathering on risks and data capture from predictive modelling such as weather forecasts, tides and seasonal risks in forestry areas

2. Incident Command and Management :

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
2.1 Evaluate the key roles within a command structure and assess the level of responsibility and limits to authority  The role and responsibilities of the Incident Commander at Tactical/Strategic level and limits to authority

The performance criteria involved in leading, monitoring and supporting people to resolve operational incidents

The role and responsibilities of Command Support at Tactical/Strategic level incidents, including the role of Command Support Officer

Liaison and working with multi agency response, local government and stakeholders at Tactical/Strategic level

3. Fire and Rescue Procedures – Tactics and Strategy :

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
3.1 Evaluate and assess organisational

compliance to relevant national


 Personal responsibilities under relevant national legislation

Operational responsibilities under national or government legislation

Legal, moral and financial consequences of none compliance

3.2 Evaluate fire development in

relation to the tactics and strategy

employed for extinguishing fires in

different contexts.

Related Post
 The identification of different types of burning material and the effects on building construction

Interruption to business continuity and implications on infrastructure

Ways in which fires can spread detected and undetected both internally and externally

Principles and application of ventilation

Flashover, backdraught and fire gas explosion

Aviation Fire Operations :

1. Emergency Planning and Procedures :

 Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
1.1 Understand the importance of pre-planning for emergencies and know how to develop a plan  Preparing for appropriate response

How to protect responders, the public and the environment

How to mitigate the impact of incident

1.2. Identify and assess the issues to take into consideration when planning for emergencies


 Airport location and topography


Rendezvous points and marshalling areas

Water supplies and drainage systems

Rescue and firefighting response and capability


Air traffic control

2. Incident Command and Management in Aviation Contexts :

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
2.1 Understand the key roles, responsibilities and limits of authority  

Role and responsibilities of the Incident Commander at Tactical level

Performance criteria involved in leading, monitoring and supporting people to resolve operational incidents

Role and responsibilities of Command Support at Tactical level incidents, including the role of Command Support Officer

Potential limits to the authority of the Incident Commander

3. Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
3.1 Outline the criteria to be taken into account when designing and providing airport fire stations  

Specification and considerations to be taken into account when designing and providing new airport fire appliances

3.2 Explain how to deploy equipment and other resources to resolve incidents including fires and other emergencies on airport and off airport scenarios  Different types of firefighting media and equipment and its operational use

Selection and deployment of resources

Capabilities and limitations of personnel, appliances, special appliances and equipment

3. Provision for Firefighting and Rescue Facilities at Airports and Airfields :

Assessment Objective Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
3.1 Outline the criteria to be taken into account when designing and providing airport fire stations  Specification and considerations to be taken into account when designing and providing new airport fire appliances
3.2 Explain how to deploy equipment and other resources to resolve incidents including fires and other emergencies on airport and off airport scenarios Different types of firefighting media and equipment and its operational use

Selection and deployment of resources

Capabilities and limitations of personnel, appliances, special appliances and equipment

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