The Power To Beat Your Best Competition 2017 : Coca-Cola Africa

Organization : Coca-Cola Africa (Proprietary) Limited
Competition Name : The Power To Beat Your Best Competition 2017
Applicable For : Open to both South African & non-South African citizens
Competition Closing Date : 31st of August 2017
Prize : Register at the Cape Town Cycle Tour

Website :

The Power To Beat Your Best Competition :

Terms & Conditions :
1. This Promotional Competition (“Competition”) is organised by Coca-Cola Africa (Proprietary) Limited (“Promoter”).

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2. Entry to the “The Power to Beat Your Best” Powerade Competition is open to both South African & non-South African citizens who are currently either legally visiting or living in South Africa.

** Entrants may be any person except any employee, director, member, partner, agent or consultant or any person directly or indirectly who controls or is controlled by the Promoter and/or immediate family members of any employee, director, member, partner, agent or consultant of or person indirectly or directly in control or controlled by the Promoter, its advertising agencies, advisers, dealers, suppliers and Bottlers of beverages identified by the trademarks owned by or licensed to The Coca-Cola Company, its affiliates and/or associated companies (“Disqualified Participants”).

3. By entering the Competition, all participants and winners agree to be bound by these rules as interpreted by the Promoter, whose decision regarding any dispute will be final and binding. The Promoter reserves the right at any time without notice to amend, modify, or change these rules, and to postpone, suspend or cancel this Competition and any Prizes (which have not yet been subject to a draw), or any aspect thereof, without notice at any time, for any reason which the Promoter reasonably deems necessary.

4. In addition, by entering all participants hereby opt in to receive competition communication and campaign content either via sms or email.
5. The Competition commences on the 9th of March 2017 at 00h01 and ends on the 31st of August 2017 at 23h59, all days inclusive.

6. Monthly prize winners must be 18 years or older (in each discipline category) and must be South African citizens in possession of a valid South African Identity Document or Birth Certificate who also reside in South Africa. Non-South African citizens who are currently legally visiting South Africa. Minors can enter however they cannot win any of the monthly prizes or the grand prizes.

7. Grand prize winners must be 18 years or older (in each discipline category) and must be South African citizens in possession of a valid South African Identity Document or Birth Certificate. Minors and non South African citizens are not eligible to win any of the grand prizes.

8. Participants can register for one or both of the discipline categories (running or cycling) however they will only be eligible to win one monthly prize in total and the grand prize for one specifc discipline.

9. A bench mark race time – Is the first ASA (Athletics South Africa) or CSA (Cycling South Africa) registered race time/ per kilometre speed that a participant submits to Powerade. Powerade will calculate the participant per kilometre speed based on these times.

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10. An improved race time – Is any ASA (Athletics South Africa) or CSA (Cycling South Africa) registered race time a person submits to Powerade where their per kilometre speed is faster than the time they submitted as their bench mark time or previous submission.

11. Monthly Prizes :
Entrants will be required to do the following to stand a chance to win monthly prizes :
i. Register at the Cape Town Cycle Tour, Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon and various other regional Athletics South Africa (ASA) and Cycling South Africa (CSA) racing events during the competition period.

ii. To participate dial *120*32682# and follow the prompts. Cost of participation is 20c per 20 seconds.
iii. Participants will need to submit a bench mark race time to Powerade. This is only necessary if registration did not take place at the Powerade expo stands at Cape Town Cycle Tour or at Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon.

iv. Thereafter, participants will need to submit their improved race time to the Powerade competition platform from May 2017 onwards.

12. All entrants who register to The Power to Beat Your Competition, submit a bench mark race time and an improved race time will be eligible to win a monthly prize. 1 (one) monthly prize per discipline will be randomly awarded per month starting in the month of June. 1 (one) for cycling & 1 (one) for running.

13. Monthly prizes will be selected via a random draw which will take place during the 1st week of each month. The decision is final and binding and the Promoter will not enter into any correspondence regarding the decision.

14. Registered participants will only be eligible to win 1 (one) monthly prize for the duration of the competition. If they win a monthly prize they will still be eligible to stand the chance to win the grand prize.

15. Grand Prizes :
Entrants will be required to do the following to stand a chance to win the grand prize :
i. Register at the Cape Town Cycle Tour, Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon and various other regional Athletics South Africa (ASA) and Cycling South Africa (CSA) racing events during the competition period.

ii. To participate dial *120*32682# and follow the prompts. Cost of participation is 20c per 20 seconds.

iii. Participants will need to submit a bench mark race time to Powerade. This is only necessary if registration did not take place at the Powerade expo stands at Cape Town Cycle Tour or at Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon.

iv. Thereafter, participants will need to submit their improved race time to the Powerade competition platform from May 2017 onwards.

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