How To Apply For A Manufacturing/ Distribution Licence : Department of Trade,Export and Investment

Organization : Department of Trade,Export and Investment – dti
Head Quarters: Pretoria
Facility : How To Apply For A Manufacturing And/Or Distribution Licence
Website :

How To Apply For DTI Manufacturing Licence?

** To apply for a distribution and/or manufacturing registration, applicants need to visit the NLA online system on
** All instructions should be properly followed

Related :Department of Trade,Export and Investment Sector Specific Assistance Scheme (SSAS) :

Instruction A: Shareholders Information
The applicant should provide the following information :
** Name(s) of applicant
** Race of applicant
** Gender of applicant
** Identity number of applicant
** Address of applicant

Instruction B: Financial Interest In The Liquor Industry
** The prospective registrant should indicate if they receive financial income from another entity within the liquor industry, e.g. ownership of a retail outlet, having shares in companies involved in the liquor trade etc.
** The prospective registrant should state where he/she has a financial interest in the liquor industry within the republic, and provide the information equally in respect of each shareholder, member, partner or beneficiary if the applicant or transferee is not an individual.

Instruction C: B-Bbee And Combating Alcohol Abuse
** The applicant needs to indicate their commitment in respect of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice (the codes can be accessed here.
** The applicant is expected to propose a contribution towards combating liquor abuse; he/she can make financial and/or non-financial contributions.

Instruction D:
The applicant should describe in detail the extent to which their activities will affect the following :
** New entrants into the industry: Are your business activities going to encourage or hamper the entry of new entrants into the liquor industry?
** Job creation: Are your business activities going to help create more jobs within the industry?

** Diversity of ownership within the liquor industry: Will your registration promote or restrict ownership concentration at vertical or horizontal levels of the industry?
** Efficiency of operation: Your expertise to run a business of this nature.

** Exports: Are your business activities going to encourage or hamper the exportation of liquor from the country? Here the applicant also needs to indicate the volume and type of liquor to be exported, if any.
** Competition within the industry: Indicate how your business activities will affect competition within the industry. The applicant should provide a list of competitors as well as their market share within a particular geographic market.

Instruction F: Required Documents
Applications should be accompanied by :
** A business zoning certificate for industrial purposes or a consent letter from the relevant municipality;
** A comprehensive written representation in support of the application;
** Any determination, consent approval or authority required by the Act;

** Valid proof that the prescribed application fee has been deposited in the bank account of the dti;
** A valid certified copy of ID or passport of the applicant;
** Trading business permit if the applicant is a foreigner;
** A South African Police Services (SAPS) police clearance certificate not older than three months from the date of issue;

** If the applicant is a juristic person, valid copies of registration issued by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) or any other relevant registration authority indicating the financial interest of all members, shareholders, partners or beneficiaries as the case may be;

Related Post

** A valid tax clearance certificate if the applicant is a juristic person issued by the South African Revenue Services (SARS) within 12 months from the date of application; and
** Verification certificate issued in terms of the B-BBEE Act.

DTI Registration Fee

** Once the final conditions of registration are imposed and before registration, the applicant will be required to pay a registration fee that correlates with the projected annual turnover.

Registration Certificate :
** A NLA 9 registration certificate will be issued to the applicant with the final conditions of registration.

Annual Renewal :
** The registrant has to ensure that the registration is renewed annually and complete fully the form NLA 28 and pay the annual renewal fee.
** Renewal should be done a month before the expiry of the registration.

DTI Lodgement Method

** Only new applications to be submitted at any time via

Any other applications may be hand-delivered, e-mailed or posted to :
the dti Campus
77 Meintjies Street
Block B, Ground Floor, Sunnyside
Private Bag X84
E-mail: nationalliquorauthority AT

FAQ On DTI Manufacturing Licence

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On DTI Manufacturing Licence

Q: What is a Manufacturing Licence?
A: A Manufacturing Licence is a permit issued by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in South Africa that allows a company to engage in manufacturing activities.

Q: Who needs a DTI Manufacturing Licence?
A: Any company that wishes to engage in manufacturing activities in South Africa is required to obtain a DTI Manufacturing Licence.

Q: How do I apply for a DTI Manufacturing Licence?
A: The application process for a DTI Manufacturing Licence varies depending on the type of manufacturing activity you wish to engage in. Generally, the application process involves filling out an application form and providing supporting documentation.

Q: What are the requirements for obtaining a DTI Manufacturing Licence?
A: The requirements for obtaining a DTI Manufacturing Licence vary depending on the type of manufacturing activity you wish to engage in. Generally, you will need to provide information about your company, including its legal status, ownership, and financial information. You will also need to provide information about the manufacturing process, including details about the equipment and materials you will be using.

Additional Simplified Procedure

Here are the steps on how to apply for a DTI Manufacturing Licence online in South Africa:
1. Go to the DTI website and click on the “Licensing” tab.
2. Click on the “Manufacturing Licence” link.
3. Click on the “Apply Online” button.
4. You will be prompted to create an account.
5. Once you have created an account, you can start your application.
6. You will need to provide the following information:
** Your personal details
** The details of your business
** The type of manufacturing you will be doing
** The location of your manufacturing facility
7. Once you have submitted your application, you will be notified of the outcome.

Here are some additional requirements for applying for a DTI Manufacturing Licence online:
** You must have a valid South African business registration number.
** You must have a valid South African tax number.
** You must have a valid South African company registration number (if applicable).
** You must have a valid South African business address.

Here are some tips for applying for a DTI Manufacturing Licence online:
** Start your application early. The application process can be time-consuming, so it’s best to start early.
** Make sure you have all of your required documents ready. You will not be able to submit your application without all of the required documents.
** Proofread your application carefully before submitting it. Make sure there are no errors in your spelling or grammar.
** Be clear and concise in your application. The DTI licensing team will be reviewing a lot of applications, so it’s important to make your application stand out.

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