gcis.gov.za Tender Procedures : Government Communication and Information System

Organization : Government Communication and Information System
Facility : Tender procedures
Head Office : Pretoria

Website : http://www.gcis.gov.za/content/about-us/procurement/procedure

GCIS Tender Procedures

1. All advertised tenders/bids indicate :
** where interested parties may collect documents required for their applications,
** where and when briefings will be held (when applicable),
** where completed forms and proposals may be delivered.

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2.The advert also indicates a strict closing date and time for submissions – no late bids are accepted.

3.Submitted tenders/bids must be accompanied by :
** a comprehensive proposal addressing requirements as specified within the bid document
** all associated forms (SBDs) attached to the bid documentation; and
** a valid tax clearance certificate issued by the South African Revenue Service (SARS).

** Deliver completed bid application documents, origional tax clearance certificate and your proposal – signed and dated – to the GCIS, Tshedimosetso House, 1035 cnr Frances Baard and Festival Streets), Hatfield, Pretoria, Tel 012 473 0000 , before the closing date and time.

** Submissions must be placed in the bid box in the foyer, in envelopes clearly stating the name/number of the bid.
** Forms associated with tender/bid documentation

Every bid request has associated forms which must accompany submitted bid proposals. These ‘bid documents’ have the prefix SBD :
SBD 1 : Invitation to bid :
** requires that applicants agree to be bound by bid’s terms and conditions.
SBD 2 : Tax clearance certificate requirements
** contains an ‘Application for tax clearance certificate’ form, which applicants should complete and hand it in to SARS to obtain a tax clearance certificate. The original tax clearance certificate obtained from SARS must accompany the submitted bid application.

SBD 3.1 or 3.2 or 3.3 : Pricing schedule
** requires a summary of the applicant’s price and motivation. Applicants should motivate their price offer by describing the product/service to be supplied and the experience of the person(s) who will perform the service. [NB: a separate, detailed proposal document can also accompany submitted bid if it is required in the bid specifications.]

SBD 4 : Declaration of interest
** requires a Declaration of Interest from applicants, stating any existing relationship /acquaintance with DoC employees. This is to ensure that these persons are not involved in any way, to avoid corruption.

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SBD 5 : [not always applicable] – National Industrial Participation (NIP) Programme
** refers to Industrial Participation Programme, i.e. contracts with imported content of US$ 10 million or higher have an industrial participation (IP) obligation, which must be addressed in the bid.

SBD 6.1 : Preference points claim form
** requires Preferential Procurement Points claims.

SBD 6.2 : Declaration certificate for local production and content for designated sectors
** requires declaration of bidder’s local content

SBD 7.1 or 7.2 or 7.3 : Contract form
** represents a contract form that binds the parties should their bid be successful. There is a different form for purchases (7.1), services (7.2), and sales (7.3).

SBD 8 : Declaration of bidder’s past supply chain management practices
** requires declaration of bidder’s past supply chain management practices.

SBD 9 : Certificate of independent bid determination
** requires declaration from bidder to prevent bid-rigging

General conditions of contract

** draws attention to general conditions applicable to government bids, contracts and orders and ensures clients are familiar with rights and obligations of all parties involved.

How tenders/bids are awarded :
** Proposals will be evaluated on functionality and further in terms of the 80/20 or 90/10 preference points system, where 80/90 points will be for price only and the 20/10points for BBBEE Level of Contribution. A bid will be not advance to the second phase if it fails to meet the benchmark percentage for functionality.

** Prices of submitted bids are comparatively rated and awarded pricing points;
** Preference points are calculated after prices have been brought to a comparative basis;
** Points scored are rounded off to 2 decimal places;
** The bidder obtaining the highest number of points is awarded the contract;

** In the event of equal points being scored, the bid will be awarded to the bidder scoring the highest number of points for specified goals.
** If you are unsure about the procurement or application process for a particular bid, please contact the contact person listed on the bid document.

Automatic notification via e-mail alert :
** Interested bidding companies may subscribe to be notified when a tender/bid is published to the GCIS’s website.

Procurement assistance

** For advice or assistance with regard to tenders/bids, contact our supply chain management and auxiliary services team by telephone or email

Tel: 012 473 0093
Email: george AT gcis.gov.za
** The team is available between 07:30 and 16:30 local time, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
** Contact for information on this page: George Storey ¦ Email: george AT gcis.gov.za ¦ Tel: 012 473 0093

Categories: Facilities
Tags: gcis.gov.za
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