Love Cape Town Instagram Photo Sharing Competition :

Organization : Cape Town Tourism
Competition Name : Love Cape Town Instagram Photo Sharing Competition
Applicable For : South African Citizen
Competition Closing Date : 7 May 2017
Prize : R30 000’s worth of experiences in Cape Town

Website :

Love Cape Town Instagram Photo Sharing Competition

** Cape Town Tourism and its partners are giving you the opportunity to share your favourite pictures of Cape Town to stand a chance to win weekly Love Cape Town hampers containing branded merchandise, as well as a chance to win our main prize consisting of R30 000’s worth of experiences in Cape Town.

Related / Similar Competition : Cape Town 12 Win A Gold Package Upgrade Competition 2017

Terms and conditions :
Introduction :
** The promoter of this competition is Cape Town Tourism, the City of Cape Town’s official regional tourism organisation (the “Promoter“).
** The Promoter can be contacted at the Pinnacle Building, Corner Burg & Castle Streets, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa, Tel: 021 487 6800.
** This competition is co-sponsored by affiliates and members of the Promoter.
** By entering the competition you agree to the rules of this competition without exception.

** If you require any help or have any enquiries relating to these competition rules please contact the Promoter at marketing AT
** You can access a copy of these terms and conditions at
** There are no entry fees to participate in this competition.

How long does this competition last?
** The competition runs from 27 February 2017 to 7 May 2017 (the “Competition Period“).
** No entries will be accepted after 23h59 South African time, every Sunday preceding each weekly lucky draw during the Competition Period for the Weekly Love Cape Town Hampers.
** No entries will be accepted after 23h59 South African time on Sunday 7 May 2017, for the Main Prize.

How do you enter this competition?
** You will require a smart phone, Internet access and an Instagram account to enter this competition.
** No refund may be claimed for expenses related to the use of an Internet connection for the purpose of participating in the competition.

To enter this competition, you will be required to :
** Share your pictures via Instagram using the hashtag #lovecapetown;
** Make sure that post relates to one of the “themes” applicable at your time of entry into the competition.

** This will be advertised on our Instagram account. Your post will not be a valid entry or eligible to win if it does not fall within one of the competition themes.
** The Promoter and the sponsor(s) shall not be responsible for entries to the competition that are not received for any reason whatsoever including, by way of example only, as a consequence of communications or network failures.

Can you enter this competition?
** You are entitled to enter this competition if you are over the age of 18, a South African citizen and must be in South Africa at the time of winning the Prize.

** An agent of, or consultant or employees of the Promoter, or a supplier, sponsor, or advertiser of goods or services in connection with this competition, or any entity or person directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by the Promoter, or marketing service providers in respect of the competition, or a spouse, life partner, parent, child, brother, sister or business partner of any of the above mentioned persons are not entitled to enter this competition.

What are the Prizes?
** The Prizes are provided by the Promoter and the sponsors.
** Both the terms and conditions of the Promoter and sponsors apply to the Prizes being awarded.

** The winner agrees to all of these terms and conditions without exception.
** There are 10 Weekly Love Cape Town hampers containing branded merchandise to be won (the “Weekly Hampers“), as well as a the Main Prize consisting of R30 000’s worth of experiences in Cape Town (the “Main Prize“).

The Weekly Hampers include :
** Cape Town branded limited stock merchandise
** No one participant may win more than one Prize.
** The approximate total value of each Weekly Hamper is R1 000 and the approximate total value of the Main Prize is R30 000.
** CTT shall not be obliged to increase the approximate value of the Prizes at the time of awarding or redeeming the Prize, no matter what the circumstances, such as a change in the cost of the Prize or a change in the exchange rate.

** All other expenses not included in the Prize are for the account of the winner, including travel (local or international flights or transfers by any other means) to, around and from Cape Town, visas (if required), car hire, food and beverages, medical expenses, baggage or personal insurance, petrol costs, excursion tickets not expressly defined and spending money.

** The winner also agrees that he or she is responsible for any other expenses and satisfying any legal or administrative requirements that need to be met to enable the winner to use the Prize (including any additional travel arrangements as well as for the paying taxes and obtaining travel insurance etc.).

** The Prizes are strictly subject to availability, and the relevant sponsor’s terms and conditions relating to each such Prize.

** The Main Prize must be redeemed by 30 November 2017, is not negotiable or transferable and may not be converted into cash or exchanges. In such a case where the winner cannot redeem the Prize for whatever reason, they will forfeit the Prize and it is up to the Promoters to decide whether or not the Prize will be awarded to another person who fits the stipulated completion criteria.

** The Promoter and/or the sponsor(s) reserve the right to substitute an alternative prize of similar or comparable value in the event that the Prize is unavailable for reasons beyond the Promoter or the sponsor’s control.

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