Nedbank External Bursary Programme 2017

Organisation : Nedbank
Announcement : 2017 Nedbank Bursary Programme
Applicable for : South African citizens
Closing Date : 30 April 2017.

Website :
Bursary Guideline :

Nedbank External Bursary Programme :

Eligibility criteria :
Applications Are Open To Students Who :
** are South African citizens; and
** hold an offer of admission to a South African public university or university of technology to study fulltime for their first undergraduate qualification; and

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** have a financial need; and
** are currently in grade 12 or have passed grade 12 within the previous two years; or
** are already registered for their qualification at a recognised South African university (ie entering the second, third or final year of their undergraduate qualification).

Education criteria :
Qualifying Criteria For The Bursary Include The Following :
** Successful admission to a recognised university or university of technology.
** A minimum academic average of 65% in the year that you are applying, ie grade 12 or university level.
** A minimum academic average of 65% for the subjects that you plan to study.**

Required documents :
Stage 1: Application :
The following certified documents are to be attached to or uploaded with the application form :
** A valid South African identity card/document.
** Your most recent academic results on official stationery with a letterhead or logo.

Stage 2: Document Submission :
Shortlisted applicants will be requested to submit the following :
** Latest three months’ proof of your parent’s/ parents’ or guardian’s/guardians’ income – – payslip(s); or
** pension or social-grant advices; or
** an affidavit in the case of unemployment. (The total family income will be reviewed.)

** Income and expenses statement of parent(s) or guardian(s).
** Death certificate of parent(s) or guardian(s), if applicable.
** Divorce certificate, if applicable.
** In the case of the applicant being disabled, a letter from the attending medical doctor confirming the applicant’s permanent disability.

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The Application Process :
** Posted or hand-delivered applications must be sent to The External Bursary Department, E Block, 5th Floor, Nedbank 135 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2196.
** Please ensure that posted applications are sent well before the closing date, as no applications will be considered after 30 April.

Shortlisted candidates will be requested to :
** submit the relevant documents for a financial review; and
** attend an interview and undergo an assessment.

** Unsuccessful candidates will receive a decline communication.
** Successful candidates will receive a letter of intent.
** The offer will be finalised on receipt of proof of university registration and final academic results of the current year of studies, ie grade 12 or university level.

Nedbank Bursary Application Form :
Important Note :
** The Nedbank bursary cannot be used to pay for existing loans or debts.
** Bursaries will be given at the sole discretion of Nedbank. Any decision not to award a bursary will be final. Nedbank will not enter into communication with applicants who don’t receive bursaries.

** Forms are to be posted/hand delivered to External Bursary Department, E Block, 5th Floor, Nedbank 135 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2196.
** You can also apply online at

To apply you must :
** be a South African citizen;
** be in grade 12 or have completed grade 12 within the previous two years;
** pass or have passed grade 12 with an average of 65%;

** meet the entry requirements for the university you want to go to; and
** complete, sign and date this form.
** Application forms that are incomplete, incorrect or not signed will not be considered.

** Your bursary application must reach Nedbank by 30 April of the year before the one in which you want to go to university.
** A copy of your valid South African identity card/document and latest academic results must be attached to the application.

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