Annual National Assessments English Home Language Test Sample Paper :

Organisation : Department of Basic Education
Exam : Annual National Assessments
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : Grade 1 Literacy

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Grade 1 English Home Language Test Sample Paper

Marks : 20
Time : 1 Hour


1. Read each question slowly and audibly to the learners.
2. Read the question twice, while the learners follow in their booklets.

Related : Department of Basic Education Amended Senior Certificate Exam History Sample Question Paper :

3. Give them time to write answers independently, in the spaces provided.
4. Once they have finished, continue to read the next question.
5. Follow the same procedure to the last question.
6. The test counts 20 marks.
7. The duration of the test is 60 minutes.
8. Do the practice exercises with the learners.

Sample Questions

Read the story and answer the questions below :
1. It is a sunny Sunday. Lebo and Ann go for a walk together. They are best friends. There is a shop along the way. Inside the shop they see sweets and toys. The children are very happy, because they can buy sweets and potato chips. They stop to have a picnic. Lebo and nn have fun together.

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2. Place a cross (x) in the box next to the correct answer.
Choose the best title for the story is
a. Lebo and Ann go to the farm.
b. Lebo and Ann play at home.
c. Lebo and Ann go for a walk.

3.2 Place a cross (x) in the box next to the correct answer.
Lebo and Ann are sisters.

3.Show the correct order of events in the story. Number the sentences (1-3) in the boxes to show the correct order.
a. They stop to have a picnic.
b. Lebo and Ann go for a walk.
c. On their way they see a shop.

4. Circle the letter next to the correct answer.
Why are Lebo and Ann happy? They are happy, because …
A they see a dog.
B they go to school.
C they can buy fruit.
D they can buy sweets.

5. Rewrite the sentence :
Fill in the capital letter and a full stop :
max can run fast

6. A noun is a naming word. Choose the correct noun to complete the sentences.
dog hut pig bug

7. The …………….. likes to eat bones
7.1 The ………………. is small.

8. Answer the question.
10.1 Write all these words in the correct order to make a sentence.
teacher The a reads book.

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