: Amended Senior Certificate Exam History Sample Question Paper

Organisation : Department of Basic Education
Exam : Amended Senior Certificate Examinations
Document Type : ASC Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : History
Year : 2016

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History Sample Question Paper :

Marks: 150
Time : 3 hours
Instructions And Information :
1. This question paper consists of SECTION A and SECTION B based on the prescribed content framework in the CAPS document.

Related : Department of Basic Education ASC Exam Economics Sample Question Paper :

Section A: Source-Based Questions
Question 1: The Cold War: The Origins Of The Cold War
Question 2: Independent Africa: Case Study – Angola
Question 3: Civil Society Protests From The 1950S To The 1970S: Civil Rights Movement
Section B: Essay Questions
Question 4: Extension Of The Cold War: Case Study – Vietnam
Question 5: Independent Africa: Comparative Case Study – The Congo And Tanzania
Question 6: Civil Society Protests From The 1950S To The 1970S: Black Power Movement

2. SECTION A consists of THREE source-based questions. Source material that is required to answer these questions may be found in the ADDENDUM.
3. SECTION B consists of THREE essay questions.

4. Answer THREE questions as follows:
4.1 At least ONE must be a source-based question and at least ONE must be an essay question.
4.2 The THIRD question may be either a source-based question or an essay question.

5. You are advised to spend at least ONE hour per question.
6. When answering questions, you should apply your knowledge, skills and insight.

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7. You will be disadvantaged by merely rewriting the sources as answers.
8. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.
9. Write clearly and legibly.

Section A :
Was The United States Of America (Usa) Successful In Preventing The Spread Of Communism To Greece From 1947 Onwards?
Study Sources 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D and answer the questions that follow.

1.1 Refer to Source 1A.
1.1.1 Why, according to the information in the source, did Britain decide to withdraw its financial support and aid from Greece and Turkey? (1 x 1)
1.1.2 Name the British prime minister who decided to withdraw aid from Greece and Turkey. (1 x 1)

1.1.3 Identify TWO officials who ensured that the United States of America provided assistance to Greece and Turkey. (2 x 1)
1.1.4 Comment on why the Deputy Secretary of State of the United States of America decided to edit the report that was handed to George Marshall. (2 x 2)

1.2 Consult Source 1B.
1.2.1 State TWO ways in which the United States of America supported Greece. (2 x 1)
1.2.2 Why did President Truman declare that US funds, which were given to Greece, should be closely supervised? (2 x 2)
1.2.3 Define the term democracy in the context of the Cold War in Europe. (1 x 2)
1.2.4 What percentage of the elected members of the Greek Parliament were democrats? (1 x 1)

1.3 Use Source 1C.
1.3.1 Identify TWO ways from the source which suggests that the USA supported reactionaries and fascists. (2 x 1)
1.3.2 List THREE developments that occurred in Greece and Turkey as a result of America’s sphere of influence. (3 x 1)

1.3.3 Explain what you think was implied by the statement, ‘the Marshall Plan was simply a cunning (clever) way of subjecting all of Europe to American capital (money)’. (2 x 2)
1.3.4 Comment on whether you would consider the information in this source to be useful when researching the USA’s policy of containment. (2 x 2)

1.4 Study Source 1D.
1.4.1 Explain the messages being conveyed in the cartoon. Use the visual clues in the cartoon to support your answer. (2 x 2)
1.4.2 Why do you think the USA referred to the people as ‘communist insurgents’? (2 x 2) © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map