NSC Supplementary Examination Timetable 2017 : Department Of Basic

Name of the Organization : Department Of Basic Education
Announcement : National Senior Certificate (NSC) Supplementary Examination Timetable 2017
Head Office : Pretoria

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NSC Supplementary Examination Timetable 2017 :

NSC Examination :
** The National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations commonly referred to as “matric” has become an annual event of major public significance.

Related : National Senior Certificate Examination Timetable 2017 :

** It not only signifies the culmination of twelve years of formal schooling but the NSC examinations is a barometer of the health of the education system.
** The first national examination, under the newly elected democratic government was administered in November 1996, following a highly decentralized approach.

Supplementary Time Table 2017 :

 WEEK 1 09:00 14:00
Wednesday 22/02 Computer Applications Tech P1 (3hrs) Practical Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu HL, FAL, SAL P1 (2hrs);

Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Modern Greek SAL P1 (2hrs)

Latin SAL P1 (3hrs)

Thursday 23/02 Information Technology P1 (3hrs) Practical German HL P1 (2hrs) SAL P1 (2hrs), Portuguese HL, FAL and

SAL P1 (2hrs) Hebrew SAL P1 (2hrs) Serbian SAL P1 (2hrs)

Friday 24/02 Mathematics P1 (3hrs)

Mathematical Literacy P1 (3hrs)

Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu HL P2 (2½hrs) FAL, SAL P2 (2hrs)

Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Modern Greek SAL P2 (2hrs)

Latin SAL P2 (1½hrs)

WEEK 2 09:00 14:00
Monday 27/02 Mathematics P2 (3hrs)

Mathematical Literacy P2 (3hrs)

German HL P2 (2½hrs) SAL P2 (2hrs), Portuguese HL (2½hrs), FAL and SAL P2 (2hrs) Hebrew SAL P2 (2hrs) Serbian SAL P2 (2hrs)
Tuesday28/02 isiZulu, isiXhosa, Siswati, isiNdebele HL and FAL P1 (2hrs)

SAL P1 (2½hrs)

Music P1 Theory (3hrs)

Electrical Technology (3hrs)

Wednesday 1/03 Accounting (3hrs) Computer Applications Tech P2 Theory (3hrs)
Thursday 2/03 Afrikaans HL and FAL P1 (2hrs)

SAL P1 (2½hrs)

Information Technology P2 Theory (3hrs)
Friday 3/03 Physical Sciences (Physics) P1 (3hrs) German HL P3 (2½hrs) Portuguese HL and FAL P3 (2½hrs)

Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu HL and FAL P3 (2½hrs)

Related Post
WEEK 3 09:00 14:00
Monday 6/03 Physical Sciences (Chemistry) P2 (3hrs) English HL and FAL P1 (2hrs)

SAL P1 (2½hrs)

Tuesday 7/03 Civil Technology (3hrs) Religion Studies P1 (2hrs)
Wednesday 8/03 Geography (Theory) P1 (3hrs)

Sport and Exercise Science (3hrs)

Geography (Map work) P2 (1½hrs)
Thursday 9/03 Afrikaans Home Lang P2 (2½hrs)

FAL and SAL P2 (2hrs)

Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Xitsonga, Tshivenda HL and FAL P1 (2hrs)

SAL P1 (2½hrs)

Friday 10/03 Life Sciences P1 (2½hrs) Engineering Graphics and Design P1 (3hrs)
WEEK 4 09:00 14:00
Monday 13/03 Life Sciences P2 (2½hrs) Dance Studies (3hrs)
Tuesday 14/03 isiZulu, isiXhosa, Siswati, isiNdebele HL P2 (2½hrs)

FAL and SAL P2 (2hrs)

Economics P1 (2hrs)
Wednesday 15/03 English HL P2 (2½hrs)

FAL and SAL P2 (2hrs)

Engineering Graphics and Design P2 (3hrs)
Thursday 16/03 Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Xitsonga, Tshivenda HL P2 (2½hrs)

FAL and SAL P2 (2hrs)

Economics P2 (2hrs)
Friday 17/03 Agricultural Sciences P1 (2½hrs)

Nautical Science P1 (3hrs)

Religion Studies P2 (2hrs)
WEEK 5 09:00 14:00
Monday 20/03 Agricultural Sciences P2 (2½hrs)

Nautical Science P2 (3hrs)

History P1 (3hrs)

Maritime Economics (3hrs)

Equine Studies (3hrs)

Tuesday 21/03 PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Wednesday 22/03 isiZulu, isiXhosa, Siswati, isiNdebele

HL and FAL P3 (2½hrs)

Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Xitsonga, Tshivenda

HL and FAL P3 (2½hrs)

Thursday 23/03 Consumer Studies (3hrs)

Hospitality Studies (3hrs)

Afrikaans HL and FAL P3 (2½hrs)
Friday 24/03 English HL and FAL P3 (2½hrs) Dramatic Arts (3hrs)
WEEK 6 09:00 14:00
Monday 27/03 History P2 (3hrs) Agricultural Management Practices (3hrs)
Tuesday 28/03 Business Studies (3hrs) Design (3hrs)
Wednesday 29/03 Tourism (3hrs) Agricultural Technology (3hrs)
Thursday 30/03 Music P2 Comprehension (1½hrs)

Mechanical Technology (3hrs)

Visual Arts (3hrs)
Friday 31/03 SCHOOLS CLOSE

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