Game Sir Controllers Competition : Trace Mobile

Organization : Trace Mobile (Pty) Limited
Competition Name : Game Sir Controllers Competition
Applicable For : Trace Mobile customers
Competition Deadline : 28th of February 2017
Prize : Controllers

Website :

Win 1 of 5 Game Sir Controllers Competition :

** Stand a chance to win these really cool Game Sir Controllers!
** All you need to do is  – Tag a friend who’s a mad gamer – Like and share our Facebook and Twitter

Related : Trace Mobile Win Tickets For Black Coffee Block Party Competition :

Competition Rules :
** These competition rules (“rules”) explain your rights and duties in connection with this competition.
** If you take part in this competition and/or accept any prize, these rules will apply to you and you agree that the promoter(s) can assume that you have read and agreed to be legally bound these competition rules.

Entries open : Entries open on the 15 February 2017 @ 12:00 midday
Entries close :
** Entries close on the 28th of February 2017 @ 11:59:59 pm. The promoter(s) reserve the right to extend the competition by amending these competition rules.
** Notice of this will be posted in these rules. All entries must be received by us before the closing date and time.

Winner’s to be notified :
** A random draw will take place on the 1st of March 2017, and the winner will be notified via telephone and email within 24 (twenty four) hours of the draw taking place.
** If the draw is postponed for any reason, the new dates will be published on

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Prize and rules for receiving Prize :
** There will be 5 (five) prize winners. The winners will each receive 1 (one) Controller.
** Prizes cannot be transferred.
** Prizes will be couriered to the winners of the competition.
Eligibility :
** The competition is opened to only TRACE Mobile customers
** Entrants are required to “tag a friend that’s a mad gamer, like and share our Facebook and Twitter pages to win”
** Prizes are non-transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or other prizes.

In order to qualify as an entrant for this promotional competition :
** the entrant must provide correct and full personal details, as required;
** the entrant must be 18 (eighteen) years or older.

** any entrant not 18 years old at the time of draw will automatically forfeit the prize.
** Proof of identification will be required before the prize is issued.
** The competition is open to all (TRACE Mobile customers & Non TRACE Mobile Customers.

Who cannot take part :
** The promoters, TRACE Mobile, any entity in the TRACE Group or Company, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants, the suppliers of goods or services in connection with this promotional competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the above named parties and their respective spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members are not permitted to participate in this promotional competition.

How to enter :
** Entrants are required to “tag a friend that’s a mad gamer, like and share our Facebook and Twitter pages to win” during the Promotion period.

How will winner(s) be chosen :
** By random draw from all eligible entries received before the closing date and time. The winner/s will be selected from a qualifying database by way of a random system-generated draw.

** The random entry drawn will be audited to establish whether it meets all the eligibility criteria for the competition, and if so, that entry will be the competition winner.
** If the eligibility criteria are not met, further random draws will take place until a randomly selected valid entry meets the eligibility criteria.

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