daff.gov.za #YAFF Awards Competition 2017 Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Organization : Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Competition Name : #YAFF Awards Competition 2017
Applicable For : Only South African youth agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Competition Deadline : 31 March 2017
Prize : Awards

Website : www.daff.gov.za
Download Terms & Conditions :
Process Flow : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/6568-PROCESSFLOW.pdf
Prize Monies : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/6568-PrizeMonies.pdf
Entry Requirements : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/6568-ENTRYREQUIREMENTS.pdf
Categories : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/6568-CATEGORIES.pdf
Entry Form : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/6568-ENTRYFORM.pdf

#YAFF Awards Competition :

Entry Requirements :
1. Competition entrants must be involved in agriculture, forestry and fisheries activities for a minimum of two (2) years on a full-time basis.
2. Entrants must be between 18 to 35 years of age, and from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.

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3. Only South African youth are allowed to enter the competition.
4. Government employees are not allowed to enter the competition.
5. Entries of the competition should be submitted to the Department of Agriculture, forestry and fisheries using the online facility. No entries received after the deadline dates will be accepted.

6. DAFF reserves the right to change, without prior or any notice other than on the departmental website, the dates, requirements, adjudication process, criteria, categories and any other programme feature and processes where operational circumstances require such change.

7. The enterprise must be registered in the entrant’s name; however in the event of the enterprise/entity including older people, young people should be in majority by 51% and the entrant must prove their ownership and/or involvement in the management and decision-making aspects of the entity.

8. Entrants of the competition must allow DAFF and adjudicators to have access to all relevant documents for verification purposes, as well as agree to be interviewed as part of the adjudication process.

9. The short-listed entrants of the competition must be willing to allow DAFF to: take video footages of their Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries activities in support of the information provided; and co-operate as far as reasonably possible with DAFF pertaining to the provision and verification of information and site visits. Failure to cooperate will result in withdrawal

Prize Monies :

Agriculture Awards:



R50 000

R100 000

Forestry Awards:

Small Scale

Related Post

Large Scale

R50 000

R100 000

Fisheries Awards:

Small Scale

Large Scale

R50 000

R100 000

Agro Processing Awards:

Small to Medium Scale

Large Scale

R100 000

R50 000

Special Award – Agricultural Training Institute Graduate Award R50 000
Special Award – Disability Award R50 000

Categories :
1. Agriculture Awards
** The entrant should be involved in the cultivation of horticultural or field crops and / or the rearing livestock or poultry to produce meat, wool or other products
Smallholder :
** For the purposes of this competition, this category refers to a farmer that produces for household consumption and markets and primarily strives to earn revenue from his/her business as a source of income for the family

Commercial :
** For the purposes of this competition, this category refers to a farmer whose production is primarily for the market and makes considerable living from farming

2. Forestry Awards :
** The entrant should be involved in primary production, agro-forestry related activities or in the commercialization of non-timber forest products (NTFPs)

Small-scale :
** For the purposes of this competition, this category refers to a person (s) that produces to meet basic livelihood needs and primarily strive to earn revenue from their businesses as a source of income for the family

Large-Scale :
** For the purposes of this competition, this category refres a person(s) whose production is primarily for the market and makes considerable living from the business.

Tags: daff.gov.za
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