Visual Art Prize Competition 2017 :

Organization : Visual Art Open/ VANSA
Competition Name : Visual Art Prize Competition 2017
Applicable For : International Artist
Competition Deadline : 28.02.17
Prize : £1,000.00

Website :
Apply Here :


Terms & Condition :
1. Artists must be 18+ OR authorized by your legal guardian.
2. The VAO has no maximum age limit.
3. All work submitted must be solely produced by the artists registered for this award.

Related : VANSA National Craft Competition 2017 :

4. Acceptable media: drawing, printing, painting, photography, digital art, sculpture and video
5. Submission fee: £15 per work at the time of submitting (£10 per work for artists aged 24 or under). A maximum of 5 entries per person.

6. Work must have been completed in the last three years.
7. Works should not be larger than 2.4m along the longest dimension.

8. Paintings should be completely dry at the time of delivery.
9. Artists who are not resident in the UK but are resident abroad are welcome to submit work. If your work is sold at the exhibition you have a responsibility to register and account for UK VAT with H.M. Revenue & Customs.

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10. Artists sending work from abroad should use a picture carrier. Many artists use Picture Post as they offer a packing and delivery service for our exhibitions (we do not accept any liability for their services). Picture Post – Tel: 0044 (0)1302 711011 / Mobile: 07833 450788 / Email: info AT

11. A one-year commercial contract will be offered by a UK based publisher to the winners.
12. Applicants are responsible for providing correct personal information for the organisers to be able to contact them.
13. The VAO only accepts artwork that has not been sold previously.

14. Entrants must ensure that they have the commercial rights if they are currently represented by a publisher so that there is no conflict of interests.
15. VAO respects your rights and does not claim copyright for works you submit to the contest. You will retain full copyright in each entry.

16. VAO will not be held responsible for any breach of the commercial contract between the Artist, The Gallery or Publisher, our role is to provide the commercial platform and introduction.
17. VAO will not be responsible for any travel or personal expenses to the VAO exhibition final or any visa requirements.

18. The winners agree to permit external communication of the artwork; not limited to publicity, press, website, social media, and any printed or digital material.
19. The jury’s decision is final and if VAO is unable to contact any short-listed artist or winner via the email address supplied by the entrant, the short-list position / prize lapses and VAO reserves the right to select alternative winners.

20. Short-listed artists will be contacted directly. The names of the winner and short listed artists will be published on Facebook and elsewhere in competition publicity.
21. Paintings submitted for exhibition must be available until December 2017.

The overall winner of the VAO will be awarded :
** A Cash prize of £1,000.00 to support the production of new works
** Commercial mentoring package

** Exclusive solo show. The location of the solo show will be decided in consultation with the winning artist
** Exhibition at Chester Arts Fair 2017 worth £1,000
** £250.00 will be awarded for each winning category

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