Love Letter Promotional Competition : Illovo Sugar South Africa

Organization : Illovo Sugar (South Africa) Limited
Competition Name : Love Letter Promotional Competition
Applicable For : Entrants reside in South Africa
Competition Deadline : 17 February 2017
Prize : R500 hamper

Website :

Love Letter Promotional Competition :

** The name of the competition is “Love Letter”.
** The competition commences 1 February 2017 and ends 17 February 2017.
** The competition is brought to you by Illovo Sugar (South Africa) Limited.

Related : #ClicksLoveMatch Social Media Competition :

Entrants :
** Entrants must reside in South Africa.

** No members, employees, directors, agents, or consultants (or their immediate families) directly connected to or in the employment of Illovo Sugar (South Africa) Limited, its subsidiaries and business partners, associates, advertising, or promotion agencies, may take part in the competition.

** Participants must enter in a personal capacity.
** Entrants must have the necessary capacity to accept and be bound by these rules.

Competition :
** The prizes are 13 hampers containing Cadbury chocolates and other items to the total value of R6,500.
** Each hamper is worth R500.
** Hampers may vary slightly from any promotional photos.

To enter participants will need to :
** Visit and write a sweet/cute/romantic love note (which may or may not be dedicated to someone).
** The competition page link may also be accessed from the special Love Letter competition tab found on the Illovo Facebook page.

** The love letter must be 100 characters or less.
** Entrants must also complete the competition entry form found on

** Daily weekday entries must be made by 14:00 otherwise the entry will be considered for the next weekday draw.
** If a participant enters over the weekend, their entry will be carried over to the Monday’s draw.
** Entrants may share their post on Facebook.

** Entries containing any profanity, rudeness or any content considered inappropriate by the Promoter (in its reasonable discretion) will be disqualified from the draw and removed from the competition site and Illovo’s social media platforms.
** One winner will be drawn randomly from all valid entries every weekday.

** The promotion shall commence at 8:00 on Wednesday, 1 February 2017 and terminate at 14:00 on 17 February 2017 (“promotional period”).
** There will therefore be 13 winners in total.
** There will be no weekend draws.

** Prizes will be despatched for delivery at the end of each calendar week during the competition period.
** Prizes will only be despatched to winners who have provided their correct delivery details.
** Delivery may take up to 10 days from the date of despatch, assuming correct details have been received.

Winners must claim their prize by :
** Supplying their correct contact details including a physical address in South Africa (for delivery of the hamper) and other details required in order for the Promoter to deliver the prize, by direct message to the Illovo Facebook page administrator, via the Illovo Facebook page, within thirty (30) days after being notified that they are a winner. Once these details have been provided, the Promoter will contact the winner to confirm delivery timing and details.

** Should the winner fail to provide contact details or should the Promoter be unable to contact the winner on the telephone number or email address provided to confirm delivery details after 3 attempts, the winner shall forfeit the prize.
** By entering the Love Letter competition, participants grant the Promoter permission to publish their love note to the Illovo Facebook page, the competition website and other social media platforms. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map