iziko.org.za Technical Assistant & Registrar : Museums of South Africa

Company Name : Iziko Museums of South Africa
Job Title : Technical Assistant & Registrar
Postion Type : ten month fixed term contract position
Location : Cape Town
Salary : R157 116

Website : https://www.iziko.org.za/

Technical Assistant & Registrar :

Registrar :
** twelve monthfixed term contract position
Basic Salary: R157 116 per annum plus benefits

Related : National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Independent Member : www.southafricain.com/6140.html

Requirements :
** BA or BSC with major in Archaeology
** At least one years’ experience working in a museum or collections environment
** Knowledge of South African archaeology is essential, with particular focus on the Middle and Later Stone Age
** Knowledge of lithic and faunal assemblages is preferred
** Must be computer literate and have experience working with excel and creating reports
** Experience with the South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) would be beneficial
** Candidate must be able to carry, lift and move archaeological collection material.

Key Responsibilities include :
** Sort stone tools, faunal remains and special finds in the Iziko archaeology unit
** Digitize material culture collection
** Develop an accurate collection inventory within the framework of the SAHRA templates.

Technical Assistant :
** Cenozoic Palaeontology (ten month fixed term contract position)
Basic Salary Range : R92 412 – R124 980 per annum plus benefits

Requirements :
** Grade 12
** Ability to sort and classify fossil specimens
** Ability to work efficiently, accurately and neatly
** Ability to work well in a team
** Knowledge of the history of life on earth
** Good communication and presentation skills
** Computer literacy in MS Office Suite.

Key Responsibilities include :
** Assist with the development and conservation of the Iziko Cenozoic fossil collections, including sorting and identification of fossils, fossil excavation in the field for up to five days at a time when required
** Capture information onto database
** Organise and maintain of fossil collections
** Assist with exhibition and education programmes when required.

Salary And Benefits :
** The salaries quoted above do not include benefits.
** Iziko benefits comprise generous contributions towards a designated retirement fund (compulsory), a designated medical aid (voluntary) and a housing subsidy (voluntary).
** Other employment conditions such as working hours and leave entitlement are also generous.

Applications :
** A letter of application including a detailed CV with at least two contactable referees and certified copies of identity document and certificates must be forwarded to the Director Human Resources, PO Box 61, Cape Town 8000 or delivered to the HR Department at Iziko SA National Gallery Annexe, St Johns Road, Cape Town by no later than Friday, 10 February 2017.

** Applications that are e-mailed or faxed will not be accepted.
** Enquiries to be directed to the Director Human Resources, Mr Rocco Human, at 021 481 3984.

** Kindly note, Iziko will correspond only with short-listed candidates and will do so within two months from closing date.
** Iziko is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to developing a diverse workforce.
** Preference will be given to candidates who promote representivity within Iziko in terms of the Employment Equity Act.
** Iziko reserves the right not to fill the advertised positions.

Contact: Ms. Lungi Mvimbi
Human Resources Department
St Johns Street,
Gardens, Cape Town
Tel: 021 481 3984
Email: lmvimbi AT iziko.org.za

Categories: Jobs
Tags: iziko.org.za
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