Black Sheep Films Rock Dog Competition : Sodastream SA & Entertainment Distributors

Organization : Sodastream SA (PTY) LTD and African Entertainment Distributors (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Black Sheep Films Rock Dog Competition
Applicable For : Open to entrants who are legally resident in South Africa
Competition Deadline : 1 April 2017.
Prize : R100 000 cash prize

Website :
Terms & Condition :

Rock Dog Competition Terms & Conditions :

All participants, during and beyond the term of this competition run by Sodastream and Black Sheep Films on Facebook, agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions :
1. This competition is open to entrants who are legally resident in South Africa at the time of the competition. Entrants must to be in possession of a valid South African identity document or valid residence permit.

2. The winner must have a South African bank account into which the sum of R100 000 (One Hundred Thousand Rand) will be deposited, once they have been selected and their win confirmed by an independent auditor.

3. In the event that the person selected as the winner is under 18 years of age, their parent/legal guardian (as certified by an affidavit) will administer the prize on their behalf. Entrants must also have the permission of their parent/guardian in order to be able to enter the competition.

4. The entry mechanism requires entrants to post an image of themselves with their favourite Sodastream product AND a written motivation no longer than 100 words in the comments section under the competition post on the Sodastream SA Facebook page ( motivation of no more than 100 words must detail how the entrant would spend the R100 000 cash prize to ‘follow their dreams’, should they be awarded the prize. All of the requirements listed in this point must be satisfied in order to qualify as a valid entry. They must also satisfy the requirements of points 1, 2 and 3 of this document in order to be valid.

5. The winner must be able to identify themself (in a manner determined by Sodastream SA and Black Sheep Films) as the entrant to the competition and will have to comply with the required validation procedure in order to claim the prize.
6. Sodastream SA and Black Sheep Films’ decision will be final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.

7. Sodastream SA and Black Sheep Films may refuse to award the prize if entry procedures or these terms and conditions have not been adhered to or if they detect any irregularities or fraudulent practices.

8. The competition opens when the competition post is posted to the Sodastream SA Facebook page on 1 February 2017 and closes at 23:59 on 1 April 2017.

9. The winner of the competition will be selected by a panel of no fewer than (3) three Sodastream SA and Black Sheep Films employees, with a subjecting decision made about the ‘most inspiring’ motivation of not more than 100 words. The winner will be chosen by simple majority vote. The winning post and the entrant must meet all eligibility requirements listed in points 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this document and the selection process will be verified by an independent auditor.

10. Entrants may enter the Rock Dog competition as many times as they wish as the prize draw is not random.

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