westernprovincejudo.co.za 2017 Judo SA Registration : Cape Town Judo Association

Name of the Organization : Cape Town Judo Association
Type of Facility : 2017 Judo SA Registration
Head Office : Cape Town

Website : http://westernprovincejudo.co.za/wpjudo-information.htm
Information : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/6246-JudoSA-Registration.pdf

Cape Town Judo SA Registration

Registration Policy :
Development Clubs :
**  Only one development club per district allowed
**  A minimum of 10 development licenses per club
**  No Club registration fees payable to JSA by development club

Related : Southern Cape Golf Union Heidelberg Open : www.southafricain.com/6237.html

** Development club must be affiliated with a district and Province
**  Once the development club has become a full membership club, then only another development club can be started
**  No voting rights powers are assigned to the development club

Prescribed Documentation :
** Only Registration Applications on the prescribed form, completed in FULL and accompanied by a RECONCILIATION and PROOF OF PAYMENT with each and every application to the Registrar, Assistant Registrar and Treasurer will be accepted.

** Incomplete applications/documentation will be rejected and could be subject to a penalty fee if corrections not received before applicable cut-off date.

Penalty Fees

Late payment of Annual Registration fees :
** Payment in FULL of Annual Registrations in respect of players, coaches, managers and committee members, is payable not later than 7 (seven) days after receipt of the JSA Invoice.

** Penalty of R2 000-00, payable by the District, must be paid to JSA.
** Any District that does not comply with this requirement will be penalised with the prescribed fee and until payment has been received, the District will NOT be allowed to submit entries or participate in any JSA event.

Late entries :
** Late entries will be penalised with a penalty fee of R2 000-00 per entry, payable in FULL, before being allowed to participate in any JSA event.
** Payment will be the penalty fee of R2000-00 PLUS the prescribed Registration fee.

JSA Open Championships

Visually Impaired :
** All of the above fees applies and can only be claimed if grants were received and funding is available, afterwards
** Fully Assisted Members pay in full
** Cut-off date for entries for the SA Open Championships, must reach the JSA Registrar no later than this date.

** Entries of the allowed 2 (two) wildcards per district, per weight category, will be subject to the same cut-off date as the rest of the entries for the SA Open Championships.
** The entries will be processed in the same order as it is received by the JSA Registrar (on a first come first serve basis) and as soon as it has been captured, the list with the processed entry details will be sent to the relative District.


** Cut-off date for FULL payment in respect of entries of players participating in the tournament.
** Any outstanding payment for the relative entries will attract a penalty of R2000-00, to be paid by the District. Should the penalty fee not be settled before the start of the tournament, players will not be allowed to participate.

** Payment of the allowed 2 (two) wild cards per District, per weight category, will be subject to the same cut-off date as the rest of the entries for the SA Open Championships.

Categories: Facilities
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