Maskew Miller Longman Literature Awards 11th Annual Writing Competition :

Organization : Pearson South Africa
Competition Name : Maskew Miller Longman Literature Awards 11Th Annual Writing Competition
Applicable For : South African citizens or permanent residents RSA
Competition Deadline : 2 May 2017.

Website :
Entry Form

11Th Annual Writing Competition:

About the Competition :
** Pearson South Africa invites experienced, new and aspiring writers to submit their unpublished and original Children’s Fiction for children aged 9 to 12 years as part of the 2017 Maskew Miller Longman Literature Awards.
** Give South African children the gift of reading in their mother tongue and download your entry form to enter.

Related : 3rd Wakkerstroom Music Festival Bursary Competition :

** A prize of R 8500.00 will be awarded to each winner and the winning entries will be considered for publication by Pearson.
** A prize of R3 500 will be awarded to each finalist.
** Closing date for entries is 2 May 2017.

Genre : Children’s Fiction
Address your entry to :
Maskew Miller Longman Literature Awards 2017
c/o Karen Morris
Pearson, 4th Floor, Auto Atlantic, Corner Hertzog
Boulevard and Heerengracht, Cape Town, 8001,
OR PO Box 396, Cape Town, 8000
This entry form must accompany your entry.

Prizes :
** A prize of R8 500 will be awarded to the winner in each language.
** A prize of R3 500 will be awarded to the fi nalist in each language.
** The winning entry in each language category will be considered for publication by Pearson.
** Non-winning entries may also qualify for publication.

Award criteria :
** Entries are invited only in the category of children’s fiction.

** An official entry form MUST accompany all entries.
** Children’s stories should appeal to South African youth, aged 9 to 12, and should be suitable for school level.
** Children’s stories submitted for age 9 to 10 should be between 2 000 and 4 000 words

** Children’s stories submitted for age 11 to 12 should be between 6 000 and 12 000 words.
** It is not compulsory, but an artwork brief for recommended illustrations can be included.
** The artwork brief is not included in the word count.

** An artwork and story writing template can be downloaded at to provide direction.
** Established and new writers may submit original manuscripts in any of the eleven South African offi cial languages.
** The work submitted must be original, unpublished and untranslated from any published material.

Competition Rules :
** The competition is not open to Pearson staff members and their immediate families, the judges and screeners of the Maskew Miller Longman Literature Awards.
** The judge’s decision is fi nal and no correspondence will be entered into.

** Publication of the winning entry for each language is at Pearson’s discretion.
** Pearson reserves the right to publish non-winning entries.
** Entrants must be South African citizens or permanent residents of South Africa.

** Manuscripts should be typed on one-sided, unbound A4 pages, in double spacing, with all pages clearly numbered.
** Email entries will not be accepted.
** Writers are advised to retain a copy of their manuscript as submitted copies will not be returned.

** There are no restrictions on the number of entries. An official entry form and synopsis must accompany each entry.
** Entries must be submitted by 2 May 2017.
** Late entries will not be accepted.

For enquiries :
email : mmlliteratureawards AT
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