cellc.co.za How to Recharge Online : CELL C

Organisation : CELL C Pty Limited
Facility : How to Recharge Online
Location : Randburg

Website : https://www.cellc.co.za
Recharge Here : https://www.cellc.co.za/cellc/get-databundles
Terms & Conditions : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/5821-Recharge_Online.pdf

How to Recharge Online :

1. Definitions :
1.1. CVV/CVC :
** This is the final three digits of the number printed on the signature strip on the back of your credit card.

Related : Cell C Customer Care Helpline Number : www.southafricain.com/2295.html

1.2. Cell C Recharge Online :
** This is a service which enables you to purchase Cell C airtime, SMS bundles and Data Bundles (“Value”) using your credit card through the Cell C Online Portal;

1.3. Bank PIN :
** This is the personal identity number (PIN) which is issued by the Bank, or in some cases selected by the customer, that is used in conjunction with the bank card to access payment services.

2. Subscriber’s responsibilities :
2.1. I guarantee that the information provided when using the Cell C Recharge Online service is valid and true. I hereby indemnify and hold Cell C harmless from any resulting loss, damages or action arising out of me providing incorrect information whilst using the Cell C Recharge Online service.

2.2. I shall keep my Bank PIN/CVV number confidential at all times; I agree that if I fail to keep my Bank PIN/CVV confidential, or allow access to my phone or Bank PIN/CVV, I do so entirely at my own risk.

2.3. I understand that at no time will Cell C ask me to enter my confidential information on any device other than when using the Cell C Recharge Online service. I further understand that any requests to enter my Bank PIN, CVV or CVC on any device other than when using the Cell C Recharge Online service ARE NOT legitimate requests from Cell C Recharge Online.

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3. Cell C Recharge Online Service :
3.1 The Cell C Recharge Online service enables you (the subscriber) to purchase airtime, SMS Bundles and Data Bundles, anytime, anywhere, with the use of your credit card.
3.2 All Value recharged by the subscriber will expire according to the existing business rules of recharge voucher ranges.
3.3 All queries related to the use of Cell C Recharge Online service should be addressed to Cell C Customer Services on 084 140.

4. Use of the service :
4.1 In order to be able to use the Cell C Recharge Online service, the Subscriber must :
4.1.1 be in possession of and be authorised to make use of one of the following cards to make a Value purchase : MasterCard or VISA Credit Card.
4.2 Normal bank charges apply.

How do I recharge?
Purchase a Cell C Recharge voucher, and dial *102*voucher pin#
Buy airtime from any ATM with your bank card or on Internet Banking. Select the recharge option, choose the amount and the number you would like to recharge and Cell C will automatically add that value to your airtime balance

Where to buy airtime?
Cell C airtime is available at all participating Cell C and retail outlets.

Recharge Methods :
Airtime Recharge Bundles :
An airtime recharge voucher has the airtime value and pin number printed on the voucher

Till Slip Airtime Recharge Vouchers :
Available from a participating retailer. The pin and value of the voucher is printed on a till slip

Banking Recharges :
Recharge from either an ATM or with Internet Banking using any of the following banks: ABSA, Nedbank, FNB and Standard Bank

Airtime Denominations :
R5, R10, R25, R35, R50, R70, R100, R150, R200, R300, R500
You can also recharge with airtime from as little as R5, increasing in values of R1, up to a maximum of R1 000 on ATMs, Internet Banking and Cellphone Banking

Tags: cellc.co.za
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