Apply For Admission – 2020 : King Edward VII Preparatory School

Organisation : King Edward VII Preparatory School
Facility : Apply For Admission – 2020
Location : Houghton
Application Last Date: 20 February 2019

Website :
Application Guideline Grade R :
Application Guideline Grade 1-7 :

KEPS Enrolment Procedure

** We adhere to the national policy for admissions- applications can only be made the year prior to your son starting School.

Related / Similar Facility : Ukwazi School Of Nursing

Grade R : 2020
** Application forms for Grade R 2018 will be available for collection from Monday, 20 February 2017.
** Application forms may be collected from the Admissions Office from 07:30- 13:00 Monday- Friday.
** The School will start accepting the return of forms from Monday, 6 March.
** Please refer to School Policy regarding Grade R application procedure.

Grade 1-7: 2019
** The opening date of the application process for 2018 will be advised once received from the District Office.

Expression Of Interest Form :
** Please complete the “Expression of Interest Form” should you be interested in applying for a space in 2019. Please note that this is not an application form and does not guarantee a space in the School.
** Please refer to School Policy regarding Grade 1-7 application procedure.

Applications Procedure :
** The Admissions Committee comprises of the Principal, Deputy Principal and Admissions Administrator.
** It is the Admissions Committee’s responsibility to advice parents on the correct procedure to be followed in applying to the Grade R class and to keep a register of all admission applications.

** The Principal is to ensure the correct administration of admissions is carried out and that timeframes are adhered to.

** The parents are to ensure that the application form is correctly completed and all necessary documents attached and returned to King Edward VII Preparatory School on or before the closing date depending on the legislated admissions timetable for that year.

Application forms are to be accompanied by :
** immunisation card;
** latest school report or nursery school report, as appropriate;
** unabridged birth certificate;
** proof of residence or place of work (telephone account, utility account, etc.);

** certified copies of parents’ identity documents or passport;
** recent passport size photograph of the boy; and
** completed questionnaire or application form.

KEPS Admissions Criteria

The SGB declares the Preparatory School’s Policy for Admission of learners to be as follows :
** Consideration will be given to learners who have brothers already in the Preparatory School, sons of staff members and old boys of the Preparatory School and King Edward VII School provided these learners applications adhere to the admissions requirements as set out in this document.

** King Edward VII Preparatory School acknowledges the fact that there is no official policy on “zoning” or “feeder schools” as yet, however, learners of parents living in “the area” will be considered for admission as set out in the Admission Policy.

** The applicant’s unique ability and/or potential to benefit from and add value to the school in all forms of school life and in extra-curricular participation.
** The age of the applicant (i.e. learner to be admitted).

Processing of applications :
** Receipt of applications will be noted in writing.
** In terms of the SASA, the Preparatory School requires both parents (unless there has been a death of one of the parents, in which case this is not applicable) to be a part of the admission of a learner.

** This process means the inclusion of the accurate contact details of both parents of a learner (whether the parents are divorced, re-married, single or in any other type of relationship).
** Parents will be informed, in writing, of the outcome of their application. A copy of the letter will be held on record at the School.

School Fees :
** Due to the Grade R class being privately run by the SGB school fees are compulsory.
** Subsequent to the passing of the budget for the following year, the Fee Schedule will be available from the Preparatory School.
** In accepting a place at the school the parents acknowledge and assume the responsibility for the prompt payment of school fees due.

Contact Address :
Corner Louis Botha Avenue
and Oak Street


Frequently asked questions on King Edward VII Preparatory School (KES Prep).

Q: What is King Edward VII Preparatory School?
A: King Edward VII Preparatory School (KES Prep) is a private, independent school in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is a boys-only school that provides education from Grade 1 to Grade 7.

Q: What is the curriculum at KES Prep?
A: KES Prep follows the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) curriculum, which is a rigorous and internationally recognized curriculum. The curriculum covers a range of subjects, including mathematics, English, science, social studies, and languages (Afrikaans, isiZulu, and French).

Q: What is the admission process for KES Prep?
A: The admission process for KES Prep involves submitting an application form, along with supporting documents, such as school reports and birth certificates. Prospective students may also be required to write an entrance exam and attend an interview. Admission is based on academic performance, character, and potential for success at the school.

Additional Simplified Procedure

Here are the steps on how to apply for KEPS admission online:
1. Go to the KEPS website:
2. Click on the “Admissions” tab.
3. Click on the “Online Application” link.
4. You will be prompted to create an account.
5. Once you have created an account, you can start your application.
6. You will need to provide the following information:
** Your personal details
** Your academic transcripts
** Your extracurricular activities
** A letter of motivation
7. Once you have submitted your application, you will be notified of the outcome.

Here are some additional requirements for applying for KEPS admission online:
** You must have a working internet connection.
** You must use one of the following browsers: IE 11+; Safari 7+; Firefox 29+; Chrome 35+.
** You must have a valid email address.
** You must have scanned copies of your academic transcripts and other supporting documents.

Here are some additional tips for applying for KEPS admission online:
** Start your application early. The application process can be time-consuming, so it’s best to start early.
** Make sure you have all of your required documents ready. You will not be able to submit your application without all of the required documents.
** Proofread your application carefully before submitting it. Make sure there are no errors in your spelling or grammar.
** Be clear and concise in your application. The admissions committee will be reviewing a lot of applications, so it’s important to make your application stand out.
** Be yourself. The admissions committee wants to get to know you, so be sure to let your personality shine through in your application.

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