gcis.gov.za Freelance Writers & Graphic Designers : Government Communication and Information System

Company Name : Government Communication and Information System
Job Title : Freelance Writers & Graphic Designers
Ref Number: 02/01
Location : Pretoria
Closing Date : 27 January 2017
Salary : Per assignment allocated

Website : http://www.gcis.gov.za/content/about-us/hr/vacancies#post2
Application Form : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/5710-applictaion.pdf

GCIS Freelance writers & Graphic Designers

Directorate: Vuk’uzenzele
Salary: Per assignment allocated

Related : GCIS Assistant Director – Internal Audit : www.southafricain.com/1377.html

Requirements :
Qualifications :
** An appropriate three-year degree or equivalent qualification in Journalism Communication Science and or Public Relations.

** Proven record of writing for print and online platforms for at least 2 years.
** Journalism experience in print and online media, with broadcast experience as an optional advantage.
** Ability to do minimal sub-editing of own copy and other colleagues’.

** Ability to solicit content and liaise with various information providers of levels.
** Ability to write well-researched articles in a fast-paced environment.
** Excellent command of the English language, grammar and construction and understands the requirements for effective writing.

** Excellent interpersonal, communication and interviewing skills.
** Ability to use Social Media platform(s) as part communication and information dissemination channel.
** A valid driver’s license is essential

Duties :
** Professional writing (for both print and electronic forms) of analysis and feature articles as well as news for Vuk’uzenzele Newspaper and Public Sector Manager (PSM) Magazine on a monthly basis.
** Ensure that written articles meet the needs of targeted audiences and deadlines for both publications.
** Contribute towards generation of story ideas for content plans across for the publications.

** Writing comprehensive news articles and features on government programmes and policies.
** Sourcing and gathering of newsworthy articles for Vuk’uzenzele and Public Sector Manager magazine.
** Liaise regularly with editors.

Freelance editors :
Reference: 02/03
Requirements :
Qualifications :
** An appropriate three-year degree or equivalent qualification in Journalism, Communication Science and or Public Relations.

** Journalism experience in the print, online media, social media mediums, with broadcast experience as an optional advantage.
** Proven record of editing of copy for at least 3 years.
** Technical knowledge and experience of the process of editing, writing, proof reading and news gathering.

** Ability to write analysis and feature articles as well as news.
** Excellent interpersonal and interviewing skills.
** Ability to edit writers’ copy, angle and re-angle stories under pressure.

Related Post

** Ability to come up with catchy headlines and blurbs.
** Excellent command of the English language, grammar and construction and understanding of the requirements for effective writing

Duties :
** Professional editing and proof reading (both print and electronic forms) of Vuk’uzenzele and Public Sector Manager Magazine to improve clarity, consistency and accuracy.
** Ensure that copy is edited, free of spelling and grammatical errors, written to an appropriate length and laid out correctly.

** Writing headlines for stories and reviewing stories for factual and grammatical accuracy, write photo captions and review of page proofs.
** Rewrite material so that it flows and adheres to the in-house style of a particular publication including checking facts to ensure that stories are accurate, adhere to the copyright laws and do not go against the publication policy.

Freelance Graphic Designers :
Reference: 02/04
Requirements :
Qualifications :
** An appropriate three-year degree or equivalent qualification in Graphic Design.

** At least 2 years’ experience in the graphic design field in a glossy magazine and newspaper environment.
** Must be proficient in the use of an Apple Macintosh computer.
** Must be proficient in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and In-Design in CS5 (Web and 3-D skills are a bonus).

** Strong design skills and thorough knowledge of reprography and printing. Good organisational and communication skills.
** The ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
** Should be highly motivated with an eye for detail

Duties :
** Design and layout of the publications to ensure that the general appearance is in accordance with the product development guidelines of GCIS.

** Work as a graphic designer on various products as per briefs.
** Conceptualise and handle visual execution of all design briefs.
** Ensure overall quality control of all designed products.

Note: Shortlisted candidates will be required to bring along their portfolio
Enquiries: Ms D Simpson, tel 012 473 0065
Closing date: 27 January 2017

Functions of GCIS

GCIS stands for Government Communication and Information System. It is a South African government agency responsible for coordinating and leading government communication and information services. The functions of GCIS include:

Providing Strategic Communication Advice:
GCIS provides strategic communication advice to the government and its departments to ensure effective communication with the public.

Managing Government Communication:
GCIS manages government communication through various channels, such as the media, government websites, and social media platforms.

Coordinating Communication Between Government Departments:
GCIS coordinates communication between government departments to ensure that the government speaks with one voice on key issues.

Categories: Government Jobs
Tags: gcis.gov.za
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