One Less Thing to Worry About Promotional Competition : NSP Unsgaard

Organization : NSP Unsgaard (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : One Less Thing to Worry About Competition
Applicable For : South African citizens
Competition Deadline : 15 April 2017
Prize : R1,500

Website :

One Less Thing to Worry About Promotional Competition :

** The competition commences 15 January 2017 and ends 15 April 2017.

Related : Nestlé MILO Back to School Promotion :

Entrants :
** Entrants must be South African citizens, and must reside in South Africa.
** The prize must be registered to a legal South African resident with a valid driver’s licence.
** Should the winner not be in possession of such a licence, they can appoint someone to receive the prize on their behalf.

** No employees, directors, agents, or consultants (or their immediate families) directly connected to or in the employment of NSP Unsgaard (Pty) Ltd, its holding company, subsidiaries and business partners, associates, advertising or promotion agencies, or staff members of the participating outlets, may take part in the competition.

Competition :
** The prize is a customised VW Up and a petrol card.
** The petrol card is limited to R1,500 per month; which will be loaded at the end of each month for 12 months.
** NSP Unsgaard (Pty) Ltd will not be held responsible for any additional fuel (outside of the R1,500 per month) and/or toll costs.

** The amount on the petrol card cannot be exchanged for cash.
** Participants must purchase any pack of the new adults Comfitex (Maxi Thick or Ultra Thin) pads to enter.

** Participants will need to dial *120*55511#, follow the prompts and enter the last 4 digits of their barcode.
** Participants must retain till slips as proof of purchase as it will be required for verification of the winner.
** The winner will be drawn from all valid entries at the end of the competition period and be contacted telephonically.

** If the winner cannot be contacted within one week, they will forfeit their prize and new winner will be drawn.
** Insurance for the vehicle, registration fees, vehicle licencing, vehicle servicing, repairs and any other additional costs will be the winner’s responsibility.

** The Promoter is not responsible for any faults or damage to the vehicle. Any queries or complaints about the vehicle must be directed to the car dealership.
** One entry per pack only.
** The cost of the USSD line is R0.60 per 60 seconds.

Categories: Contest

View Comments (2)

  • I want to know whether the draw has already made? Or is it yet to be made?

    • Competition Deadline : 15 April 2017
      The winner will be drawn from all valid entries at the end of the competition period and be contacted telephonically.
      If the winner cannot be contacted within one week, they will forfeit their prize and new winner will be drawn.

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