pvallei.co.za Apply for Admission : Parel Vallei High School

Name of the Organization : Parel Vallei High School
Facility : Application For Admission 2017
Head Office : Somerset
Deadline : 24th March 2017

Website : http://pvallei.co.za/enrollments/38
Application Form https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/5653-Application_form.pdf
Admission https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/5653-Admission.pdf

How To Apply For Parel Vallei Admission?

Documents Required for the Admission of a Learner :
** The Parent must fully complete and both parents, or in the case of a single parent, only such parent, must sign the application form for the admission of a Learner in the form as prescribed by the School from time to time. The application form together with the additional documents described in sub-paragraph

Related : Table View Primary School Apply For Admission 2018 : www.southafricain.com/5644.html

2.2 below shall be delivered to the school by a date to be advertised by the School. Preference will be given to applicants whose applications are complete and have been submitted timeously.

When a Parent applies for the admission of a Learner, the Parent must present :
** a certified copy of the official unabridged birth certificate of the learner or a certified copy of the learner’s identity document;
** a certified copy of both parents’ identity documents, or in the case of a single parent, only such parent’s identity document;

** proof that the Learner has been immunised against the following communicable diseases, namely, polio, measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B;
** a copy of the last report card issued by the previous school of the Learner or other equivalent documentation from the previous school;

Number of learners :
** A Learner – Teacher ratio of 33:1(Grades 8 and 9) and 30:1 (Grades 10 – 12) shall not be exceeded in any class.
** The school shall admit 260 learners into grade 8 in 2017.

Parel Vallei Admission Criteria

Preference will be given to Learners who :
** Demonstrate the greatest degree of participation in the academic and sporting or cultural activities offered by the school/s previously attended by them;

** Based on their previous participation and performance in academic and sporting or cultural activities demonstrate that they will benefit the most from the subjects, activities and facilities offered by Parel Vallei High School;

** Show the highest academic potential;
** Have a good disciplinary record;
** Reside in the Feeder Zone.
** Have siblings who will be at the school in the year of admission.

Appeal :
** The Learner or Parent of Learner may appeal against the decision to refuse admission to a learner to the Member of the Executive Council in terms of Section 5(9) of the Act.

Application forms :
** Application forms can be collected from and returned to reception.
** Please note that only hard copy applications will be accepted.
** Grade 8 applications

** Application forms for 2018 can be collected at reception from 6th February 2017 and applications will close on 24th March 2017, 14:00.
** Please note that only hard copy applications will be accepted. (You will be issued with a receipt).
Open Day: 9 March 2017
For queries contact: 021 852 1228

Contact Address :
Parel Vallei High School
95 Parel Vallei Road
Somerset West, 7130
T : 021 852 1228
F : 021 852 5005

FAQ On Parel Vallei High School

Parel Vallei High School is a secondary school located in Somerset West, South Africa. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the school

Q: What grades are taught at Parel Vallei High School?
A: Parel Vallei High School teaches grades 8-12.

Q: What is the school’s academic focus?
A: Parel Vallei High School focuses on providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for tertiary studies or vocational careers. The school offers a range of subjects in the humanities, sciences, and arts.

Q: Does Parel Vallei High School offer extracurricular activities?
A: Yes, Parel Vallei High School offers a range of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, cultural clubs, and community service initiatives.

Q: Does Parel Vallei High School have boarding facilities?
A: No, Parel Vallei High School does not have boarding facilities. Students are expected to commute to and from school each day.

Categories: University/College
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