Apply for Admissions : Bay Primary School

Name of the Organization : Bay Primary School
Facility : Apply for Admissions
Head Office : Kalk Bay

Website :
Application Form :
Application Guideline :

Apply for Admissions :

1. General Provisions :
** According to Section 5(5) of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996, as amended, (hereafter referred to as “SASA”) the Admissions Policy of a public school is determined by the school governing body, (hereafter referred to as “SGB”).

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** The SGB of Bay Primary School has, after deliberation of all material factors, adopted as its Admissions Policy the provisions contained herein.

2. Specific Provisions :
** Bay Primary School is a co-ed school committed to providing an environment of excellence in the provision of academic, cultural and sporting education and activities.
** Consideration will be given to whether it will be in a learner’s best interests for him/her to be accepted.

3. Language Of Instruction :
** In terms of Section 6(2) of SASA, the SGB of a public school may determine the language policy of that school.

** The SGB of Bay Primary has, in its language policy, determined that the school will be a single medium school and that the language of instruction will be English. Accordingly learners admitted to the school will need to be sufficiently proficient in English so as not to prejudice their academic progress.

4. Age Of Learners For Admission To Grade 1 :
** A learner will be given preference in consideration for admission to Grade 1 at Bay Primary if he/she will turn 7 by 31 December of his/her Grade 1 year.

** In other Grades, learners who are more than two years older than the Grade cohort will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.

5. Capacity Of School :
** The capacity of the school shall be limited to 480 learners, which includes 60 learners in each Grade (a maximum of 30 learners in each class).

In reaching a decision on this figure the SGB has taken into account all relevant factors including, but not limited to:
** The number of educators available;
** Educators’ space requirements including areas for their administration to be carried out;
** The number of designated, suitably sized classrooms;
** The need for sports, remedial and cultural programmes and activities to take place;

** Provision for continued space for a library, computer room, music room, a school hall and D&T room;
** A space for the management and administration of the school;
** A staff workroom which includes a resource room.

Procedure Of Application :
** All applications are required to be made in writing on the school’s prescribed application form, together with documentary proof requested to be annexed thereto.
** The cut-off date will be determined by the WCED.

Grade 1 applicants :
** Applicants will be invited to attend a meeting with the Principal.
** Applicants will be notified immediately whether their application has been accepted.

** The applicant will be required to notify the school in writing within the prescribed time period of the acceptance of a place for the learner for the following year or the applicant will be deemed to have elected not to take up the offered position.
** Not all applicants are guaranteed a meeting with the Principal.

Applications for other Grades :
** Applications are dealt with on an ad hoc basis for those families moving into the natural feeder (Fish Hoek, Noordhoek, Kommetjie, Kalk Bay) during the year.

** All other applications are dealt with on request and parents need to give the necessary term’s notice at the previous school.
** If an application has been declined, an applicant is entitled to request reasons, which will be provided in writing.

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