IDC Bursary Application : Industrial Development Corporation

Organization : Industrial Development Corporation
Announcement: IDC Bursary Application 2017
Applicable For : South African citizens
Deadline : 30 June 2016 for 2017

Website :
Application Guideline :
Application Form :

IDC Bursary Application :

1. Candidates Who Are Eligible :
** South African citizens with a valid ID number residing in the Republic of South Africa and who qualify for admission to a University or University of Technology and TVET (Technical vocational education and training) college, and are not studying with the aid of an employer or bursary.

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** Applicants must have grade 12 Maths and Science with a minimum of a B aggregate symbol.
** Applicants already at university must have an average of a C Aggregate Minimum.
** University or University of Technology students who have already successfully completed one or more years will be considered on their Grade 12 and most recent academic results.

** If you are already studying towards a degree course for which you are applying for a bursary, you must have passed all courses for which you have registered at the university for the study period already completed.
** Applications must be for full time studies towards an academic degree at an accredited South African university or university of technology.

** No bursaries are awarded for studies at a college, e.g. (Damelin, Boston, etc) or private university.

2. Value Of Bursaries :
The value of the bursary for full-time undergraduate/ diploma studies comprises of the following :
** Tuition and Campus accommodation will be paid directly to the university;
** Prescribed Text books fees will be paid directly to a service provider on submission of quotations and all relevant documents;

** Accommodation at university approved residence will be paid directly to the Landlord on the basis of an approved lease agreement between the student and the landlord. The payments timelines will be agreed upon between the parties but ideally in line with the University’s semester system;

** Meal allowance for students living in self-catering residence either on campus or at university approved residence will be paid on a quarterly basis;

3. Procedure Of Payment Of Bursary Monies :
** Bursary payments are made directly to institutions in accordance with the rules of the University, University of Technology and TVET’s

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4. Institutions :
** Applicants may enrol at any accredited South African University, University of Technology or FET college

5. Field Of Study :
Fields of study in which bursaries are awarded have to be directly related to industry, and will only include the following :

Engineering :
** BSc Industrial, Chemical, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Mining, Metallurgy, Civil, Analytical Chemistry and Geology. (University of technology level leading to B. Tech).

Applied Commercial Sciences :
** Bcom (Accountancy CA), Bcom Information Systems, Information Technology, Computer Science, Investment Management, Agriculture and Environmental Science.

NB: No bursaries are awarded for fields of study not listed above

6. Repayment Of Bursaries :
** Bursars may be expected to remain in the employ of the Corporation for a period equal to the number of years of the awarded bursary. Such employment is subject to the normal selection procedures, salary and employment conditions of the Corporation.

7. Experiential Training :
** The Corporation does not undertake to provide experiential training for bursars.

8. Application And Selection :
** It will be expected of applicants to attend an interview.
** Applicants will be notified of the results of their applications as soon as possible after interviews.

9. Closing Date For Applications :
** 30 June 2016 for 2017

Application Forms To Be Returned To :
Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
PO Box 784055
Fax no: 0862103946/3197
Email: bursary AT

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