Stand a Chance to win Your Share of 2 Million Rand : Mobile Telephone Networks

Organization : MTN Mobile Telephone Networks (Proprietary) Limited
Competition Name : Stand a chance to win Your Share of 2 Million Rand
Applicable For : MTN subscriber
Competition Deadline : 31 January 2017
Prize : 2 Million Rand

Website :

MTN Win Your Share of 2 Million Rand Competition

1 Campaign :
** Q4 2016 cash campaign (the “Competition”). This Competition is organized by Mobile Telephone Networks (Proprietary) Limited (“MTN” / the “Promoter/s”).

Related : Upstream & MTN SMS Campaign Promotion :

Campaign Period

** The Competition commences on 0:01 on 11 January 2017 and will continue until 23:59 on 31 January 2017 (the “Competition Period”).

Who May Enter

3.1 To be eligible to enter, the entrant must:
3.1.1 be an MTN subscriber (PayAsYouGo, TopUp or Contract);
3.1.2 be a natural person; and
3.1.3 be 18 years or older.

3.2 Participation in this Competition excludes employees, directors, members, partners, consultants and agents of, or any other person who, directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoter/s or marketing service providers of this Competition, (and the spouses, life partners, immediate family members or business partners of the people or entities listed above.

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This means:
3.2.1 the Promoter/s;
3.2.2 supplier/s of goods and or services in terms of this Competition; and
3.2.3 promotional partners, printers, advertising and promotional agencies, professional advisors and point of sale staff employed by or contracted to, or providing goods or services of any kind, to all the people or entities listed above during the Competition Period.

How to Enter

4.1 During the Competition Period, the entrants that meet all of the criteria referred to in clause 3 above must do the following in order to stand a chance to win:
4.1.1 Customers will need to comment on MTN’s social platforms i.e. facebook page, twitter and or blog using the hashtag: #GoForIt, and will need to share/comment about how they feel that MTN can enable them.
4.1.2 Comments need to be made in response to posts by MTN on the above mentioned platforms asking for customers to enter by commenting & using the #GoForIt
4.2 Once the qualifying entrant has fulfilled the requirements of clauses 3 and 4.1 above, he or she will be automatically entered into the lucky draw.

4.3 The lucky draw shall take place as follows :
4.3.1 16 January – draw 30 winners
4.3.2 23 January – draw 30 winners
4.3.3 30 January – draw 20 winners

4.4 Winners will be notified telephonically by the Promoter/s and/or its authorized agents on or as soon as possible after the draw.

4.5 Entrant’s acknowledge and accept that the Promoter/s shall utilize a third party (the Promoters’ authorized agent/s) to contact the entrant, in the event that the entrant is a winner, and arrange delivery of the Prize. In order to effect the contacting and delivery process, the Promoters shall provide the entrant’s information to such third party.

The Prize

5.1 Entrants that fulfil the requirements stated in clause 3 and 4 above, stand a chance to win :
** 1 of 80 x R25,000 cash prizes (referred to as the “Prize”).
5.2 Prizes shall be delivered to the winner at a time and place to be agreed upon between the Promoter/s and the winner.

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