Application For Admission : Mcauley House School

Organisation : Mcauley House School
Facility : Application For Admission 2018
Location : JHB
Website :
Application Form :

How To Apply For Mcauley House Admission?

Instructions :
** This Is Only An Application Form.
** Mcauley House School Reserves The Right To Accept Or Decline This Application.
** The Payment Of R500.00 Administration Fee Does Not Guarantee Admission To Mcauley House School.

Related : Port Elizabeth TVET College Apply for Admission :

1. Certified copies of the following documents must accompany this application :
(a). The identity documents/passport of parent/guardians.
(b). The Unabridged Birth Certificate/Identity Document/ Passport & Study Permit (if a Foreigner), of the pupil.
(c). The latest school report of the pupil.
(d). Proof of income for parents / guardians (3 Latest pay slips).
(e). Proof or residence.
(f). Vaccination / Clinic Card
(g). Latest School Fee Account Stetement

2. Proof of payment for R500 (non-refundable) administration fee. (NO CASH ALLOWED) Std Bank: 003345521 Braamfontein: 004805 Ref: 1160/childs name & surname.
3. A Current Passport- sized photo of the pupil must be attached to this application.
4. If the pupil is accepted, an immediate Non-Refundable Acceptance Deposit Of R6000.00 Is Required..
5. This will be credited to the school fees and essential levies.

Note :
*Please hand in the testimonial form to the current school to be completed.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for purchasing stationery, uniform and text books each year.
Parents/guardians are liable each year for the payment of the Essentials levy which is due in November each year for a specific grade.

Application Process :
** Please complete the application form (4 pages + testimonial form) and attach all required documentation.

** Completed application forms together with required documentation and proof of payment (application fee) must be hand delivered to our office.
** If the applicant is not a South African Citizen – Please ensure to submit a copy of your study permit.

** Once we receive your completed application form with documents and depending on availability for the Grade applied for and the time of year, we will then start the processing your application.
** Assessment of the child will take place before the application is considered.

** Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate you & your child, we cannot take the responsibility to guarantee a place for your child.
** You are required to apply at other schools when applying at McAuley house.

1. Payment Of Fees :
1.1. I/we hereby assume absolute responsibility for the payment of any fees and charges that may fall due as a result of the admittance to McAuley House School, of the pupil whose details appear on this application form.
1.2. I/we acknowledge that school fees are payable in advance by the 1St day of each month, from 1st January to 1st October, and that there are various payment options offered by McAuley House School.

1.3. I/we acknowledge that a term’s (3 months) notice is required in writing or a term’s fees are required in lieu of notice, if a child is withdrawn from McAuley House School. If a pupil leaves the school during term for any reason, whatsoever either at the insistence of the Principal or Parents, the balance of the school fees for that term, will be forfeited or a term’s fees in lieu of notice will be payable.

1.4. I/we acknowledge that should any one installment payable in terms hereof not be paid on due-date, then the balance outstanding at the date of the next statement, shall immediately become due and payable by me/us and that no indulgence or grant of time by McAuley House School shall be deemed a waiver of its rights hereunder.

1.5. I/we choose the residential address set out above as my/our domicillium citandi et executandi for the service on me/us by McAuley House School of all notices, processes and other communications.

Contact Address

Physical Address :
Corner Napier Road & San Souci Road,
Parktown West, JHB

Postal Address :
P.O. Box 91008,
Auckland Park, 2006,
South Africa

FAQ On Mcauley House School Admission

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about McAuley House School admission:

Q: What is McAuley House School?
A: McAuley House School is a private Catholic school located in Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa. It provides education to girls from Grade R to Grade 12.

Q: How can I apply for admission to McAuley House School?
A: You can download an application form from the school’s website or collect one from the school’s admissions office. The completed form must be submitted with the required supporting documents and a non-refundable application fee.

Q: What are the admission requirements for McAuley House School?
A: The admission requirements may vary depending on the grade level, but generally, applicants will need to provide academic records from their previous school, participate in an entrance assessment, and attend an interview with the school’s admissions team.

Categories: University/College

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  • I would like to find out if you are applying for a e.g grade 11 do yo still need to submit unabridged birth certificate? Please help me. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map