How to apply to ALA : African Leadership Academy

Organisation : African Leadership Academy
Facility : How to apply to ALA
Location : Honeydew

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How to apply to ALA :

Program Admissions :
** African Leadership Academy (ALA) seeks to enroll the most outstanding young leaders from across Africa and around the world.

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** ALA is not only looking for young people who are smart and excel in the academic environment, we are looking for young people with the potential to lead and impact the world around them through their courage, initiative and innovation.

Admission Criteria :
** African Leadership Academy is unlike any other educational institution you will come across.
** At ALA we seek to change Africa! We believe that this transformation lies in the hands and minds of young people with a desire to move the continent toward peace and prosperity.

** At ALA we will challenge you to realize your academic and leadership potential.
** You will be encouraged to begin addressing the social, economic, and political issues facing Africa.
** You will be asked to think critically about your role in our changing world.

ALA seeks to enroll young people aged 16 to 19 based on the criteria below :
Leadership Potential :
** At African Leadership Academy we seek young leaders with the potential to transform Africa and the world. We encourage you to share with us the activities in which you participate and the leadership roles you assume at home, in your school, or in your community, and we hope you will think critically about what “leadership” means to you.

Entrepreneurial Spirit :
** Entrepreneurs identify needs in the world around them and take action to alleviate those needs. They start businesses, health clinics, youth organizations, and social movements. They bring new products and ideas to the world. Their efforts create value and improve lives. We encourage you to celebrate your entrepreneurial spirit and share your entrepreneurial ideas with us.

Passion for Africa :
** Do you have an African dream? Are you excited by the idea of spending two years in a community of individuals from a wide range of cultural, ethnic, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds from across the continent?

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Commitment to Service :
** When leaders use their skills for the benefit of their communities, we all benefit. Are you passionate about uplifting your community? Do you dream of a world in which all people are able to realize their dreams? Have you demonstrated this passion at school or in your community? We hope you will share with us how you plan to give back to your community and the world.

Selection Process :
** ALA’s application and selection process is very rigorous to ensure that we select the most outstanding students from across Africa with the potential to drive change.

The process is as follows :
First Round :
** ALA’s selection process is extremely competitive.
** The Academy receives several thousand applications from most African countries each year.
** These applicants come from a wide range of social, economic, cultural & educational backgrounds.
** The application includes short questions and essays and must be submitted with academic transcripts.
** Please check the admissions timeline below to confirm the application deadline for your country.

Final Round :
** At this stage approximately 400 finalists are selected to attend Finalist events held across the continent.
** At these events, finalists write entrance exams, participate in group activities & are interviewed one-on-one by the ALA Admissions team.
** Finalists are also required to submit teacher recommendations.

Selection :
The hardest part of the selection process :
** the Academy is only able to select 120 students from the pool of extraordinary finalists to attend the Academy.
** All finalists will be notified of their admissions status by mid- April.

Fees & Financial Assistance :
Tuition and Fees :
** A student’s ability to pay tuition is not a factor in admissions decisions.
** The value of financial awards is determined after admissions decisions have been made.
** Fees charged to a given student will be based on a family’s financial means.

** Students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds who are accepted to the Academy will receive large financial aid awards, while families with financial means will be expected to make significant contributions towards their student’s fees.
** All applicants who are selected as finalists will be given financial aid forms as a part of their finalist information package.

** Applying for financial assistance is strictly optional. Those students desiring to apply for financial aid must complete these forms and attach additional financial information including copies of any employment contracts and salary slips of their parents/guardians. Financial assistance forms should be submitted with the finalist application.

** In the event that a student is assessed the full fee, the fees are US$30,000 annually.
** African Leadership Academy fees are all-inclusive, including tuition, accommodation, meals, and uniforms.
** African Leadership Academy is competitively priced versus the world’s leading secondary schools.

Contact Address :
Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413,
Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa
Phone: +27 11 699 3000
Fax: +27 11 252 6190
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