daff.gov.za Agricultural Remedies Registration Procedure : Department of Agriculture

Name of the Organization : Department of Agriculture
Type of Facility : Agricultural Remedies Registration Procedure
Location : Stellenbosch
Website : daff.gov.za
Application Guideline : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/5415-Submission_Requirements.pdf

Agricultural Remedies Registration Procedure

The following is a guideline on how to submit applications :
** What forms or documents are required and
** How they should be filled in (e.g. application form) or structured (e.g. covering letter).

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** These are not data requirements, for these please consult “Data Requirements for the Registration of Stock Remedies under Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947 (Act 36 of 1947)”

When a prospective Registration Holder of a stock remedy (applicant) applies for the registration (or for an amendment of registration) of a Stock Remedy the following is required :
1. Scientific Data supporting the application (if relevant). See “Data Requirements for the Registration of Stock Remedies under Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947 (Act 36 of 1947)”
2. Submission documents (these are documents explaining what the applicant is requesting and/or are required to appropriately process the application).

These include :
a. Application Form
b. Covering letter (if applicable)
c. Proposed Labels (if applicable)

3. Fees are payable at the prescribed rate and in the prescribed manner. For a full schedule of fees and procedures – please see Fees

4. Applications must be submitted on an individual product basis with individual covering letters per product. Only application types in the B category (refer to table of contents) may be combined per individual product (e.g. Application forChange of shelf life (B8) plus Additional Pack Size (B9) for ABC (G1234))

2. The following are required submission documents for :
A. New Product Registration :
1. New Product :
** Application Form in triplicate (one must have an original signature)
** Proposed Labels in triplicate
** Covering letter in duplicate (one must have an original signature)
** Proof of payment

2. Parallel registration :
** Application Form in triplicate (one must have an original signature)
** Proposed Labels in triplicate

** Covering letter in duplicate (one must have an original signature)
** Proof of payment
** An Affidavit/declaration from the applicant/ registration holder that the parallel product is exactly the same as the mother product except for the name.

3. Daughter registration :
** Application Form in triplicate (one must have an original signature)
** Proposed Labels in triplicate

** Covering letter in duplicate (one must have an original signature)
** Proof of payment
** Authorisation from the registration holder of the Mother product granting permission for the daughter registration.

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Note :
** Daughter and parallel registrations may only be applied for ONCE the mother is registered.

3. How submission documents must be prepared :
A. The covering letter : The general covering letter:
The covering letter should always be
** typed, not hand written ,
** on a bona fide company letterhead

Date, addressee and addressor :
** be dated as the actual date, or close to the actual date of submission to Registration Administration.
** signed by the designated contact person for the company.

** If the fax number and telephone numbers for the contact person (as on application form) differ from those on the letter head they should appear on the covering letter. i.e. the correct fax number and telephone numbers must appear on the covering letter.

The title :
The following should be clearly indicated :
** what the submission is for (e.g. re: New Product Registration XYZ),
** in the case of a registered stock remedy the registration number should be quoted (e.g. re: Label amendment for ABC (G 5678))

** the application category letter- number must appear in the title to ensure correct categorization (e.g. Label amendment (B15) for ABC (G 5678)).
** Refer to the table of Contents for the Categories.

The Body of the letter :
The following should be clearly indicated / discussed :
** briefly describe the reason for the submission if appropriate (e.g To improve the understanding of the user and for better use of language, label amendments are proposed. These do not in any way alter the claims or usage recommendations etc.).

** In the case of a New Product Registration, this would not be necessary.
** The reason for submission should not be confused with the Justification for the new product, use etc.

** If the product is a daughter or parallel product this should be clearly stated, and the name and registration number of the mother product should be included.
** the stock remedy must be described (e.g. macrocyclic lactone drench for sheep) if it is a new product registration
** the number of volumes accompanying the submission.

FAQ On DAFF Agricultural Remedies

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On DAFF Agricultural Remedies

Q: What is the DAFF Agricultural Remedies?
A: The DAFF Agricultural Remedies is a division of the South African Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries responsible for regulating the registration, sale, distribution, and use of agricultural remedies (including pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other crop protection products) in South Africa.

Q: Why is regulation of agricultural remedies necessary?
A: The regulation of agricultural remedies is necessary to ensure that these products are safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. By regulating the use of these products, the DAFF Agricultural Remedies can help protect human health, animal health, and the environment.

Q: How do I register an agricultural remedy with the DAFF?
A: To register an agricultural remedy with the DAFF, you will need to submit an application to the department that includes detailed information about the product’s composition, efficacy, and safety. You will also need to pay a registration fee and provide samples of the product for testing.

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