City of Tshwane Customer Care Phone Number

Company : City of Tshwane
Head Office : Pretoria
Industry : Municipality
Service/Product : Municipality Services

Website :

Tshwane Customer Care Phone Number

Call Us : 012 358 9999
Email Us : customercare AT

Related : City of Tshwane Guidelines for Handling Patients Complaints :

Email Enquiries

Service problems and general enquiries: Customercare AT
Website enquiries and problems only: WebmasterMailGroup AT

Note :
** Please make sure that you use an email address to which we can reply, as it often happens that email replies are returned as undeliverable because of incorrect email addresses or selective blocking at work email addresses.
** For more information, please check the Services pages or email us at email us at Customer Care

Meter Readings – reading dates and submission forms :
Emergency service complaints/problems :
Call Centre : (Pieter Delport Centre) 012 358 2111 / 012 427 2111 (24 hours)

Related Post

Timing :
** Office hours 07:30 to 16:00 except where otherwise indicated.
** Cash handling hours 07:30 to 15:15, except on Wednesdays when the hours will be 08:30 to 15:15 because of training and administration.
** Credit Control are open until 19:00 from Mondays to Fridays.

Tshwane councillors can be contacted :
via mail at
PO Box 440 or PO Box 6338
Republic of South Africa
fax  :+27 12 323 5117 – please mark clearly for whose attention
Fax no for Members of the Mayoral Committee: +27 12 323 0054???
Social Media :
** Twitter
** Facebook
** LED Blog

Meter Readings

** Where access is denied to properties, meter readings should be supplied to the City of Tshwane.
** Please use the template supplied. (MS Word format or pdf format)
** The relevant information required can be seen on the account example, the applicable fields has been marked with a circle on the account.

Meter readings can be sent in as follows :
Email to : meterrecords AT
Fax to : 012 359 6888, five days before billing date only.
Telephone to : 012 358 9999
choose option 2 and then option 4
** It is of importance that you ensure that the readings are supplied by the correct date.
** Failure will result in readings not being captured and disregarded.
** Kindly note that for control purposes an Inspector will visit the property at random to verify the readings.

Services Provided By City of Tshwane

The City of Tshwane is a metropolitan municipality in Gauteng Province, South Africa, and provides various services to its residents. Some of the services provided by the City of Tshwane include:

Water and sanitation services:
The city provides clean water and sanitation services to its residents through the Tshwane Water utility. This includes the supply of drinking water, wastewater treatment, and sewage management.

Electricity supply:
The city supplies electricity to its residents through the Tshwane Electricity utility. This includes the distribution of electricity, metering, billing, and customer service.

Roads and transportation services:
The city is responsible for the maintenance of roads and transportation infrastructure within its boundaries. This includes the construction and maintenance of roads, public transport systems, and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure.

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