Hollywood Sportsbook Win A Bakkie Competition : hollywoodbets.net

Organization : Hollywood Sportsbook (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Win A Bakkie Competition
Applicable For : Hollywoodbets Account Holders
Competition Deadline : 31 March 2017.
Prize : Nissan NP 200 1.6 8V Bakkie

Website : hollywoodbets [dot] net

Win A Bakkie Competition :

** Kick 2017 off in style by standing a chance to win one of three Nissan NP 200 bakkies with Hollywoodbets!

Related : Writers’ College International Short Story Competition January 2017 : www.southafricain.com/2773.html

** To enter, simply take a soccer bet monthly between 1 January and 31 March 2017 to the minimum value of R30 per month.
** You must use the mobisite / feature phone app in order to qualify.

** Alternatively, you can play in a Hollywoodbets branch for R30 or more and dial *120*4213*1*ticketnumber# to enter.
** Entries are unlimited, so every R30 you bet will gain you an additional entry. Terms and Conditions apply.

Terms & Condition :
** This competition is a monthly competition and will run for 3 months starting on 1 January 2017 to 31 March 2017.

** A customer must place a soccer bet to the minimum value of R30 per month on his/her cellphone betting account in order to qualify for the monthly draw or play in a Hollywoodbets branch for R30 or more and dial *120*4213*1*ticketnumber# to enter.

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** Every soccer bet of R30 or more placed thereafter, in that month will be counted as an additional entry.
** Each bet of R30 or more taken at a Hollywoodbets branch must be manually entered into the competition to qualify. Entries are not limited.
** One national winner will be drawn each month to win the 1 x Nissan NP 200 Bakkie.
** Single bets on soccer and multiple bets with soccer and other sports will be accepted.

** Prizes won through this competition include a Nissan NP 200 1.6 8V Bakkie (includes radio, aircon, bin lining, a full tank of petrol and licence of the vehicle only.) A total of 3 Nissan NP 200 Bakkies over the 3 months. I.e. 1 x Bakkie per month will be won.

** Winners will be drawn monthly on the first week of the month following the promo month i.e. January winner will be drawn on the first week of February; February winner will be drawn on the first week of March; March winner will be drawn on the first week of April 2017.

** Hollywoodbets will not insure the car.
** Hollywoodbets is not responsible for liability of the car (e.g. warrantees, maintenance and services)

** Winners are limited to one prize only throughout the competition.
** Vehicles will be branded for 6 months in Hollywoodbets branding.
** Winners must be 18 years or older.

** Winners must have a valid driver’s licence.
** Winners must allow Hollywoodbets to use their name and photo in all associated press releases.
** The prize winnings are non-transferable.

** Should the winner decide to sell the car to the dealership instead of taking the actual car they will have to wait for the 6 month branding period to expire. The transaction will be between the winner and the car dealership and Hollywood will not be a party to any negotiations or transactions.

** Hollywoodbets reserves the right not to award prizes should irregular activities be noted.
** For more information contact promotions AT hollywoodbets.net or helpline on 08600 42387.

Categories: Contest
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