Simba 60th Airtime Giveaway Promotional Competition

Organization : Simba (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Simba 60th Airtime Giveaway Promotional Competition
Applicable For : open to all citizens and legal residents of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 31 March 2017
Prize : R150 000

Website :

Simba 60th Airtime Giveaway Promotional Competition :

** The Competition is organised and conducted by Simba (Pty) Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PepsiCo Inc. (“PepsiCo”) situated at Clearwater Estate Office Park, corner Park & Atlas roads, Boksburg, Gauteng 1459, Tel- 011 928 6000 (“Simba”) (“Promoter”),

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** And is open to all citizens and legal residents of South Africa (provided that entrant/participant (“Participant”) is also a legal resident in South Africa at the time of winning and receiving any prize herein), and whom at the time of entering the Competition are over the age of 18 (eighteen) years, and are in possession of a valid South African Identity Document (note – in the case of residents, Participants must also have a valid passport and necessary residency permission).

** Persons that are excluded from entering the promotional Competition is any person who is a director, member, partner, employee or agent of, or consultant (“Associates”) of the Promoter and/or PepsiCo, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls, is employed by or is controlled by Promoter, and/or immediate family members of Associates, who are indirectly or directly connected to or employed by any party in the aforementioned capacities or relationships, their advertising agencies, manufacturers, distributors or bottlers of beverages/products identified by the trademarks owned by or licensed to Simba (Pty) Ltd, PepsiCo Inc. and its affiliates (“Disqualified Persons”).

** The Competition will run from 1 January 2017 at 00:01 and will end on 31 March 2017 at 00:00 (“Competition Duration” or “Promotional Period”). No entries received after 31 March 2017 will be considered.

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Entry mechanic :
** To stand a chance of winning a share in airtime prizes as well as the grand prizes in the Competition, Participants must purchase any of the following Simba promotional packs (identified with a front of pack competition strip): Simba 36g, Simba 125g or Simba 200g (“Participating Products”).

** Using the unique code found inside the pack on the back seal, Participants must dial *120*74622*UniqueCode# during the Promotional Period.

** This is provided that the Participant purchases a Participating Product each time they enter the Competition and retain/keep their proof of purchase such as a till slip/slip showing proof of purchase or such alternative proof of purchase as may be acceptable to the Promoter at the Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion (“Proof of Purchase”) during the Promotional Period. Calls cost 20c (twenty cents) per 20 seconds, to qualify for 1 (one) entry into the Competition. Free minutes and SMS bundles do not apply.

Prizes :
** Participants of this Competition stand a chance to win a share in R6 million (Six Million Rand) in instant airtime prizes valued at R5, R10 and R20 respectively, totaling R 5 850 000.00.Of this total prize value, R150 000 will be reserved for 600 instant airtime grand prizes valued at R250 each (“Grand Prizes”), which Grand Prizes will be selected by a random draw, and which Grand Prizes will be available to win during the Promotional Period (“Airtime Prizes”).

Participants may enter the Competition as many times as they wish over the Promotional Period subject to the following conditions :
** All entries from Disqualified Persons cellphone numbers will be rejected;
** No computer-based entries will be accepted;
** Any cellphone number that enters an incorrect code 5 (five) times in succession with be locked out of the promotional Competition for the entire duration of the promotional Competition (“Blocked Participants”)

** Blocked Participants have an opportunity to call the Client Call Centre on 086 11 000 97 between 09h00 – 16h30 Monday to Friday should there be a valid reason, which is accepted by the Promoter in its sole, absolute and unfettered discretion, for the Blocked Participants entering an incorrect code 5 (five) times in succession.

Categories: Contest

View Comments (12)

  • Puseletso says:

    When I am going to get the prize? I almost buy Simba everyday.

  • Puseletso says:

    When will I get my prize?

  • Nengewansuna says:

    I like Simba. It offers good services.

  • Claudette says:

    I entered mobile number wrongly. What can be done?

    • Any cellphone number that enters an incorrect code 5 (five) times in succession with be locked out of the promotional Competition for the entire duration of the promotional Competition ("Blocked Participants").

      Blocked Participants have an opportunity to call the Client Call Centre on 086 11 000 97 between 09h00 - 16h30 Monday to Friday should there be a valid reason, which is accepted by the Promoter in its sole, absolute and unfettered discretion, for the Blocked Participants entering an incorrect code 5 (five) times in succession.
      Information as provided in the official website of Simba (Pty) Ltd.

  • Anonymous says:

    Till now I haven't received my airtime. What can be done?


  • Yvonne Nonhlanhla says:

    I love Simba chips.

  • Simply dial the code that they SMS to you its something like this: *130*7445* eighteen unique digits. Then you will instantly receive your airtime.

  • We love simba chips. We used simba when having fun.

  • Where can I get my R20 airtime that I won?

  • How do I get my R10 airtime which I've won yesterday? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map