tut.ac.za Application for the 2017 DHET GAP Grant : Tshwane University of Technology

Name of the Organization : Tshwane University of Technology
Type of Facility : Application for the 2017 DHET GAP Grant
Head Office : Pretoria
Exam Date : 9 – 13 January 2017
Last Date : 10 February 2017

Website : http://www.tut.ac.za/
Application Guideline & Form : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/5274-DHETGAP.pdf

How To Apply For TUT DHET GAP Grant?

** Government will subsidise the fee adjustment of 8% on the 2015 fee for all qualifying registered students with a gross family income up to R600 000 per annum in 2017.

Related / Similar Facility : TUT Late Application Enquiry System 2017

** This is not a loan, but a grant. Students will need to apply to be considered for the grant to cover the 8% fee adjustment as decided by the University Council.
** Attached is the application form to be completed by all students who wish to access the grant.
** Please complete the form and email the completed form, along with the supporting documents, to gapgrant AT tut.ac.za or hand deliver the completed form to any of the University Student Debtor Offices by 10 February 2017.

Notice to Students : Re-examinations 2017
** The results of the main examination 2016 will be published on the TUT website on 15 December 2016.
** TUT Campuses will reopen on 4 January 2017 only for returning students who are writing re-examinations from 9 – 13 January 2017.

** Re-examination timetables will be available from 4 January 2017 at the various campuses.
** Students registered at the Arcadia, Arts, Pretoria West and Soshanguve Campuses will write the re-examination at the Tshwane Events Centre (Showgrounds).
** All other students will write re-exams at the campuses where they are registered.

** ICT students registered for computer-based subjects at Soshanguve will utilise the laboratories at the Soshanguve South Campus.
** Students writing the re-exams will only be allowed onto the TUT campuses if they show their student card and ID/driver’s licence/passport.

** Students writing the re-exams will only be allowed into exam venues if they present their personalised re-exam timetable and student card.

1. Eligibility Criteria :
** Only South African citizens and permanent residents studying towards an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification in 2017 will be considered. Please note that only information provided at point of application will be considered.

** The applicant and direct family (mother, father, spouse or legal guardians) must have a combined GROSS family income of no more than R600 000 per annum.

** Applicants that applied and qualified for NSFAS funding are not required to submit this application; they will automatically be considered.

** All students who attended Quintile 1, 2 and 3 schools in Grade 12 will be automatically considered upon verification of HEMIS data and will not be required to submit this application.

Related Post

** Students who are recipients of internal university merit bursaries will be eligible for the 8% grant funding, provided they fall within the R600 000 family income cap. This will not be for students supported through university trust funds or other forms of donor funding.

2. Context :
** Government is committed to funding the 8% fee adjustment in 2017 for all NSFAS qualifying and missing middle students through a gap grant. NSFAS students are identifiable and automatically eligible for the gap grant. A framework to identify the ‘missing middle’ cohort, defined as students from families with gross family income up to R600 000 per annum but not eligible for NSFAS funding, has been developed in conjunction with universities.

3. Process :
** To initiate the process, a student will need to apply to be considered for a grant to cover the 8% fee adjustment as decided by the University Council.

** The application of the student will have to be supported by evidence of the combined annual family income comprising of certified copies of parents, spouses and legal guardians identification documents (IDs) together with a form indicating consent to enable the university to conduct a credit check, if necessary.

** A proportion of students will automatically be considered for the grant without any checks being necessary. These include learners who completed their Grade 12 studies at Quintile 1, 2 and 3 schools (matched to the DBE database) and all students covered by NSFAS.

** Fees included are tuition fees and accommodation fees where the accommodation is university owned or operated (i.e. part of the university fee account). The University will be expected to verify the claims before submission to the DHET.

The following principles will guide the appeals process :
(a) The University has set and clearly communicate a closing date for all applications – see attached application form.
(b) Students who have applied for the fee adjustment grant WILL be advised on the outcome of their application for the grant within the first quarter (i.e. by 30 April 2017).

(c) Students who were rejected are allowed to appeal the outcome, should they wish to do so. All appeals can be made at the different campuses Student Debtors Offices by the 31 May 2017.

Note :
Attached hereto is the application form to be completed by all students who wish to access the grant. Please complete the form and email the completed form, along with the supporting documents, to gapgrant@tut.ac.za or hand deliver the completed form to any of the University Student Debtor Offices by the 10 February 2017.

Functions of Tshwane University of Technology

The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) is a higher education institution in South Africa that provides undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in a wide range of disciplines. Some of the functions of TUT include:

Teaching and Learning:
TUT’s primary function is to provide high-quality education and training to students. The university offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in fields such as engineering, science, humanities, management, and health sciences.

Research and Innovation:
TUT conducts research in various fields, including science, engineering, technology, and social sciences. The university’s research is aimed at addressing the social, economic, and environmental challenges facing South Africa and the African continent.

Community Engagement:
TUT is committed to engaging with the wider community and contributing to the development of society. The university participates in various community outreach programs, such as community service initiatives and partnerships with local businesses and organizations.

Categories: University/College
Tags: tut.ac.za

View Comments (2)

  • I need to know if I am allowed to make DHET gap grant when staying with my mom as she is unemployed.

  • Why should I apply for this?

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