unizulu.ac.za Apply for Admission : University of Zululand

Organisation : University of Zululand
Facility : Apply for Admission
Location : KwaDlangezwa
Website : http://www.unizulu.ac.za/student-zone/apply/
Application Guideline : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/5223-unizululand.pdf

Apply for Admission :

Admission Of Prospective Students :
** Prospective students may apply for admission to an undergraduate qualification via the Central Applications Office (CAO).

Related : University of Zululand Applying For National Student Financial Aid Scheme : www.southafricain.com/1000.html

** 31 October is the closing date for applications, thereafter a late application fee will be applicable.

Application Fees :
** The CAO on-time application fee for South African residents is R150 and R300 late fee application. International Students: R300.

For additional information :
** Refer to the CAO handbook, contact the respective faculty.

Minimum Requirements For Admission :
** Application to University of Zululand requires a National Senior Certificate (NSC) as cerified by Umalusi, provided that a minimum of four recognized NSC 20-credit subjects are passed.

NSC Achievement Scale  Achievement Scale 
7 Outstanding 80-100
6 Meritorious 70-790
5 Substantial 60-69
4 Adequate 50-59
3 Moderate 40-49
2 Elementary 30-39
1 No Achievement 0-29

** These subjects must have an NSC achievement rating of three or higher, they must also include English and must not exceed two official languages.
** Appliactions are further subject to programme or department requirements.
** Potential applicants may be required to undergo a selection interview, pass an aptitude test and/or produce a portfolio for admission.

Financial Assistance :
** The following details the various options available in terms of financial assistance for prospective students.

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Loans :
** Refers to funds that are made available to a student for study purposes only and is repayable on completion or termination of studies.
** The interest rates as indicated may vary from year to year, depending on factors such as the inflation rate.

Scholarship :
** The award of a scholarship is based on outstanding academic achievement including NSC distinctions, with a minimum of five‘A’symbols or first class passes at a tertiary institution.

Bursary :
** Refers to a grant of funds that is offered as an aid to financially needy and academically deserving students.
** Bursaries, unlike loans, are not repayable.

Eligibility :
** Refers to being suitable or qualified to be chosen in terms of the requirements/criteria set by the donor, to which the student must comply in order to qualify for that specific bursary or loan

Financial need :
** Refers to the calculated financial need of the applicant and is determined by a Means Test.
** The test takes the applicants’gross family income, number of dependents and net value of assets into consideration when reviewing applications.

Student Housing :
** The Department of Student Housing provides accessible and affordable accommodation that are conducive to learning and living in a safe and healthy environment.
** Registered and returning students may apply for accommodation via the department at the KwaDlangezwa Campus.
** However, an application does not secure accommodation.

Admission To University Residence :
** Preference is given to students who do not live in close proximity or in surrounding communities to the main campus.
** Applications will also be considered on merit. Accommodation is limited and is available on a first- come, first-served basis.

Contact Address :
University of Zululand
Private Bag X1001

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