Apply for Admission : Monash South Africa

Organisation : Monash South Africa
Facility : Apply for Admission
Location : Roodepoort
Website :
Application Form :

Apply for Admission :

How To Apply :
** There are several ways to apply for your course with Monash South Africa – online, post, email or fax.
** The application process is the same whether you’re a South African citizen, a registered permanent resident of South Africa, or an international student.

Related : Monash South Africa Scholarship :

** International students come from anywhere outside South Africa.

Apply online :
** Choose your course code – Monash Online Admission system will guide you through the application process.
** You’ll be prompted to create an account or log in if you have one already.
** You can save your application at any time and return to it later – just be sure to complete it and supply any relevant documentation, like certified copies , before applications close.
** Once complete, your application is automatically submitted.

Paper-based application :
If you’d like to lodge your application by posting, emailing or faxing it to us you’ll need to :
** Check that you meet the academic requirements and English language requirements for the degree or programme you’d like to study.
** Make sure you have certified copies of any relevant documentation (like your academic transcript, English scores and identity book/passport) requested.

** Download and complete the application for admission form or use the copy found in the back of the Monash South Africa Undergraduate Course Guide.
** Apply for credit for previous study (advanced standing) by completing the form for Advanced Standing – attach this to your application so it can be processed at the same time.

Transfer to Monash South Africa :
** If you started post-secondary studies at another institution and would like to transfer to Monash South Africa, you must meet the minimum admission requirements of the qualification that you want to study for.
** You may also apply for advanced standing (credit transfer) for the work you have already completed (limited as per qualification).

** Credit transfer is approved at the discretion of the School if the module content is determined to be commensurate with the unit offered at MSA.
** Credit transfer must be approved prior to commencing your studies at Monash South Africa.

Related Post

You must provide all of the following documents relating to your previous course :
** an academic transcript (original certified copy)
** an explanation of what the results mean (usually found on the back of the transcript)

** an extract from the handbook, detailing the course structure and credit points (or equivalent weighting of the course)
** a unit syllabus including the assessment requirements for each unit you’re seeking credit for.
** proof of English proficiency, e.g. proof that study at home university was offered in English or formal English score**

Master of Business Administration application process :
Complete the MBA Application form and submit it together with the following documents :
Step 1: Application form completed and signed by the student and person responsible for payment
** Copy of recent CV
** Certified copies of qualification(s)

** Certified copies of academic transcripts
** Declaration of English Language Proficiency ( if English was not the language of instruction in previous studies completed)
** Certified copy of Identity Document (ID) or Passport (foreign students)
** If non-RSA citizen: Certified copy of work permit and SAQA evaluation of foreign qualification(s).

Step 2: Email your application to musa-postgraduate AT

Submitting your completed application :
Once your application is complete submit it, along with your supporting documentation, in one of three ways :
1. Scan and send it via email
2. Fax it, with a covering letter, to 00 27 11 950 4288

3. Post it to:
Admissions Office
Monash South Africa
Private Bag X60
South Africa

** Keep a copy of your application for your own records.
** If you are posting it, ask the post office for a receipt so that you have a record of when you sent it.
** Allow 2-3 weeks for a postal application to be received.

Categories: University/College
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