Apply For Admission 2017 : Varsity College

Organisation : Varsity College
Facility : Apply For Admission 2017
Location : Rondebosch

Website :
Application Form :
Register Online Here :

How To Apply For Varsity College Admission?

How to Apply :
** As A Result, Prospective Students Wishing To Study At Varsity College Are Required To Complete A Pending Admission Which Needs To Be Accompanied By A R500 Non-Refundable Fee.

Related : Durban University of Technology Apply For Admission 2017 :

** Admission to Varsity College will depend on space available, once our academic logistical planning is complete.

** Prospective students will be notified by Varsity College, with regards to an offer to study their selected programme, before the end of January.
** All online Pending Admissions submitted will be considered in order of date received.

Prospective Students – Registration :
** Each Varsity College campus has a well trained team of registration assistants who will guide you through the process of registration and ensure that you are prepared for the start of your academic year.

How to register :
You are able to register at any of the Varsity College campuses :
** The following documents are required for registration at Varsity College.
** An original, completed and signed in black ink, Varsity College registration form
** A certified copy of your South African ID book or passport

** A certified copy of the account payer’s South African ID book or passport
** A certified copy of your National Senior Certificate or Statement of Results or equivalent
** One passport sized photo
** If you hold a foreign passport, a valid study visa made in the name of The Independent Institute of Education is required prior to the course commencement date.

2017 Fee Schedules :
** Please refer to the fee schedule for your selected campus.
** Further information is also available in the Registration Guide.
** Students studying IIE programmes will be responsible for ordering and paying for their own textbooks, therefore the programme fees do not include academic material costs.
** Please see the Registration Guide for information on our recommended textbook supplier.

Apply Online :
** Please note that in order to process your pending admission, a non-refundable fee of R500 is required – payable online or through EFT.
** Once submitted and payment has been made, the campus will send a letter con?rming receipt of the pending admission.
** A student advisor will then contact you to complete the process.

Please follow the necessary steps to complete your online pending admission :
Step 1: Complete your personal details
Step 2: Fill in your educational history
Step 3: Provide the relevant contact details
Step 4: Submit your pending admission
Step 5: Pay your pending admission fee

** It’s always in your best interest to apply without delay as space is limited.
** Deciding on a qualification is not an easy choice. Seeing a Varsity College student advisor will ensure that you get credible and valuable study advice.
** Should you have any questions in this regard, please contact your campus directly.
** We look forward to engaging with you further on your future studies with us.

Student Finance :
** Your investment in your tertiary education is one of the most significant you will ever make and the foundation of a successful career.
** In years gone by, tertiary education was not something that was affordable to all.

** However, with the financial options that are available today tertiary study is available and accessible to everyone.
** The aim of this section of the website is to illustrate various options that are available to you in terms of financing your studies and also to demonstrate just how manageable it is to pay towards your studies.

Terms with your Tertiary Institution :
** Students studying at one of our Varsity College campuses may elect to pay fees up front or to pay a deposit at the beginning of the year and the balance of the fees over the stipulated period.
** Students also have the option of paying a larger deposit which will either reduce the monthly payment or reduce the number of months in the payment period.

Contact Address

Varsity House
Belmont Park
Belmont Road
Cape Town

FAQ On Varsity College

Varsity College is a private higher education institution in South Africa that offers a range of degree, diploma, and certificate programs. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Varsity College:

Q: What programs does Varsity College offer?
A: Varsity College offers a range of degree, diploma, and certificate programs in fields such as business, information technology, education, media, and creative arts.

Q: Is Varsity College accredited?
A: Yes, Varsity College is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in South Africa.

Q: Where are Varsity College campuses located?
A: Varsity College has several campuses located in major cities throughout South Africa, including Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria, and Johannesburg.

Q: Does Varsity College offer online courses?
A: Yes, Varsity College offers a range of online courses for students who prefer to study remotely.

Categories: University/College

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