Checkers & Checkers Hyper Distell Win A Holiday Competition :

Organization : Distell Ltd and Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Checkers & Checkers Hyper Distell Win A Holiday Competition
Applicable For : Open to all South African residents
Competition Deadline : 5 February 2017
Prize : R100 000

Website :
Terms & Condition :

Shoprite Hyper Distell Win A Holiday Competition

1. The promoters are Distell Ltd and Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd (“the Promoters”).

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Who Can Enter

2. This promotional competition is open to all South African residents who are 18 years or older, in possession of a valid identity document, except any director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of the Promoters, the marketing service providers or any person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by these entities, including their spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members.

3. This promotional competition starts on Monday 5 December 2016 and ends at 12am (midnight) on Sunday 5 February 2017. Any entries received after the closing date will not be considered.

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How To Enter

4. To enter, participants will be required to :
4.1 Buy any two products from the following participating brands (Nederburg, Pongracz, Allesverloren, Plaisir De Merle, Zonnebloem, Fleur du Cap, Alto and Durbanville Hills from participating Checkers and Checkers Hyper stores in RSA nationwide. Excluding Checkers Liquorshop.

4.2 Sms the word WINES, your name, surname & the Competition Code on the promotional competition till slip to the promotional competition sms line displayed on your till slip: See till slip for details.

4.3 Standard SMS Rates Apply.

5. Participants must keep their till slip as proof of purchase.
6. Participants must enter in their correct contact details. If a participant drawn as a winner has given incorrect contact details, the Promoter reserves the right to select another winner in terms of the rules.

7. Participants may enter as many times as they wish provided that each entry is associated with a separate purchase and unique code.


8. The prize is one Computicket holiday voucher to the value of R100 000.

9. Any prize not taken up for any reason within two months of notification will be forfeited, and a new prize winner will be drawn.
10. Under the circumstance that a voucher is the prize, the expiry date for using the voucher will be printed on it.

Categories: Contest

View Comments (1)

  • I purchased two bottles of Alto at Checkers Paarl this morning but there is no competition code on my till slip or an SMS line. As a result I cannot enter the competition. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map