McDonald’s Sharebag Promotion

Organization : McDonald’s
Competition Name : Sharebag Promotion
Applicable For : South African Resident
Competition Deadline : 14 October 2016
Prize/Win : R875,000.00

Website :
Rules :

Sharebag Promotion Terms & Conditions :

Participants :
** You must be a South African resident with a valid ID number to participate in the McDonald’s Sharebag promotion (the “Promotion”).

Related : Cambridge Food Birthday Competition :

The following are not eligible to participate :
(i) a director, member, partner, employee or agent of, or consultant to Auram restaurant Company (Pty) Ltd (“the Promoter”), or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoter, or
(ii) a supplier of good or services in connection with the Promotion.

Duration :
** Participation in the Promotion is scheduled to take place from 5 September 2016 to 14 October 2016 at participating McDonald’s restaurants and specifically excludes McDelivery.
** These dates are subject to change and may be reduced or extended by the Promoter and the deadline for prize claims may consequentially be changed.
** Check for details of any changes on the website at (“the Website”).

How To Enter :
** During the Promotion, participants are required to buy a Sharebag from a participating McDonald’s restaurant.
** Participants will receive one voucher per Sharebag purchased.
** The voucher will contain a unique number and a USSD number.

** Dial the USSD number on the voucher and follow the prompts to enter the competition.
** Standard USSD network rates apply.
** Vouchers and till slips must be retained as proof of purchase.
** No prize may be redeemed without a valid till slip and voucher.

** Subject to PayWave terminal availability, participants that pay for their Sharebag purchase using a Visa PayWave card will receive 2 vouchers per Sharebag purchased.
** A random draw for winners will take place each week for the duration of the promotion.
** Winners will be contacted by phone on the number used to submit an entry.

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** To redeem a prize and make a booking at an Orion Hotel winners will need to contact central reservations at Orion Head Office on 086 199 1199, reservations AT, with the unique number on the McDonalds till slip and the other information provided by the Promoter identifying a person as a winner.

Prize Descriptions And Conditions :
** The prize comprises one of 60 x 2 nights accommodation for 4 people inclusive of breakfast at participating Orion Hotels with a total retail value of all prizes being R875,000.00

** Accommodation may not be claimed over a long weekend, peak season or a public holiday and is subject to the occupancy and availability of the hotel.
** All transport and transfers to/from the Orion Hotel, lunch, dinner, gratuities, extras, spending money and anything else not expressly stated as included, is excluded from the prize.

** The Promoter cannot alter these packages. Any costs incurred additional to the prize package elements listed are at the expense of winner and/or their companions.
** Winners are responsible for their own personal safety and protection once they have claimed the prize.

** The Promoter and/or prize sponsors are not liable for any injury or loss suffered as a result of the prize that was awarded.
** The stated prize is non-negotiable and non-transferable. In the event of a dispute the decision of the prize sponsor is final and binding.
** Prizes must be claimed by the winner in person within 12 months from the date of prize award.

** The Promoter cannot accept prize collection by a third party.
** In the event that any prizes are not claimed by the due date, the prize will be forfeited.
** Prizes may not be exchanged for any cash or other alternative and prizes are not transferable, divisible, or permitted to be sold.

** All advertisements depicting the prizes and prize descriptions are illustrative rather than definitive.
** Any advertisement of the cash value of the prize represents the Promoter’s best estimate of the normal retail-price.

** All un-awarded or unclaimed prizes will lapse if not the subject of valid claims and the award of which has been completed within the time limits as prescribed by these Terms & Conditions.
** Ownership of prizes pass from the relevant prize supplier direct to winners and not via the Promoter. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map