IQ Academy Instagram Selfie Competition :

Organization : IQ Academy (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Instagram Selfie Competition
Applicable For : Registered with IQ Academy Students
Competition Deadline : 30th of September 2016
Prize/Win : R5000,R3000,R1500 Cash Prizes

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IQ Academy Instagram Selfie Competition :

** IQ Academy (Pty) Ltd, is giving students that have already successfully registered for a business short or higher certificate course a chance to win one (1) of the three (3) cash prizes in the IQ Academy Instagram Selfie Competition.

Related : IQ Academy “Hopes into Action” Competition :

** This competition is offered exclusively to fully registered students who are respondents to the IQ Academy Instagram and Facebook campaigns being run from the 1st of July 2016 to the 30th of September 2016. Entrants responding to the Instagram and Facebook call to action and who successfully posted on Instagram a picture (“selfie”) with their IQ Academy textbook and tag

** IQAcademy_online, between the Friday 1st of July 2016 to the 30th of September 2016 (the “Promotional Period”), will be entered into a draw and the best/unique photo will stand a chance to win one (1) of the three (3) prize monies. 1st prize will be R5000, 2nd prize R3000 and 3rd prize will be R1500.

Terms and Conditions :
1. Students eighteen (18) years and older who are registered with IQ Academy and have posted their selfie images along with their IQ Academy textbook/s and who have tagged IQAcademy_online will be entered into a draw for one (1) of the three (3) cash prizes.

2. Students may post as many pictures of themselves as they wish into order to enter. The entry will only be accepted if the student is successfully registered with IQ Academy, the picture is posted on Instagram with IQAcademy_online being tagged, plus the picture must have an IQ Academy textbook in it.

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3. Successful registration means that the student has supplied all required personal, educational history and financial details correctly and honestly to IQ Academy and same has been successfully verified and the student meets the registration and repayment requirements for the course.

4. The competition runs for the Promotional Period which totals to thirty (92) days (1st of July 2016 to the 30th of September 2016).

5. The judging will take will take place on Friday 14th of October 2016 and the winners will be notified from Monday 17th October 2016.
6. Winners will be selected by IQ Academy judges from the pictures posted on Instagram that will have been ordered in terms of their uniqueness.

7. Winner(s) will be notified telephonically within ten (10) days of the draw taking place and will have to verify their student number and identity number with the IQ Academy representative before the prize is fully awarded.

8. The prizes are not transferable or negotiable.
9. IQ Academy’s and its judges’ decision are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

10. Any person who is :
a) A director, member, partner, employee or agent of or consultant to or a promoter of IQ Academy; or a supplier of goods or services in connection with this competition; or
b) A spouse, life partner, parent, child, brother, sister, business partner, associate of a contemplated person in paragraph (a); may not participate in a promotional competition held by the promoter.

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