12 Days of Christmas Daily Competition : Hyprop Investments

Organization : Hyprop Investments Limited
Competition Name : 12 Days of Christmas daily competition
Applicable For : Only open to South African residents
Competition Deadline : 22 December 2016.

Website :
Rules :

Canalwalk 12 Days of Christmas Daily Competition

** Competition rules of Canal Walk Shopping Centre’s 12 Days of Christmas daily competition (11-22 December 2016).

Related : Heart 104.9FM 12 days of Christmas with love from MTN :

** This competition is undertaken by Hyprop Investments Limited (registration number: 1987/05284/06), Ellerine Bros (Pty) Ltd (registration number 1960/001074/07and Canal Walk Shopping Centre (“Promoter”).

** These rules are the official rules of the competition (“Competition Rules”).
** The Competition Rules will govern and apply to this competition.

1. Eligibility and Participation :
1.1 The competition is organized and undertaken by the Promoter.

1.2 Any person who is a director, business partner, employee or agent of or consultant to the Promoter or any of their immediate families, including spouses, life partners, parents, children, brothers or sisters or any tenants or their employees in the Shopping Centre or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoter is not eligible to participate in this competition.

1.3 Any person who is a supplier of goods or services in connection with this competition is not eligible to participate in this competition.
1.4 This competition is only open to South African residents.

Related Post

1.5 A copy of the Competition Rules is available on the Canal Walk Shopping Centre website or from the Centre Management Office (Centre Management, 1st Floor East Office Tower, Canal Walk Shopping Centre, Century Boulevard, Century City, Cape Town).**

2. Entries and Closing Date :
2.1 The competitions will run from 11-22 December 2016. Each day, a different prize will be released and the competition for that prize will run for that day only.

2.2 To enter the competition participants need to complete the digital entry form under the “12 Days of Christmas” page on the shopping centre’s website ( Once the digital entry form is opened, complete the entry form and submit your entry.

2.3 Participants may only enter each competition once (one entry per day).
2.4 The Promoter does not accept any responsibility for any entries that are lost, damaged or delayed.

2.5 Only entries which are displayed on the Promoter’s records will be deemed to be the only successful entries in this competition.
2.6 The closing date for this competition is at midnight of each competition day. No late entries will be accepted.

3. Prize :
3.1 Each prize will be revealed on the “12 Days of Christmas” page and entry form page that is revealed on the day of each competition.

3.2 All prizes are not transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
3.3 All winners will be drawn by 27 December 2016.

3.4 If a winner is unable to accept the prize or in the event that the Promoter is unable to contact the prize winner, the Promoter reserves the right to draw the prize again.
3.5 The Promoter reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value if the original prize is unavailable.

4. Selection of the Prize Winner :
4.1 The winner will be randomly selected by means of a certified method of selection.
4.2 The prize winner will be the first entry drawn by lot or chance by the judge.
4.3 The winner will be notified via email or telephonic phone call within 7 days of the draw.

4.4 The prize winner may be requested to participate in any marketing activity of the Shopping Centre.
4.5 The prize winner may be requested to be photographed and may be requested to permit the winner’s photograph to be used in any marketing material of the Shopping Centre.

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