Project Manager Municipal Support : Kwa-Zulu Natal Treasury

Company Name : Kwa-Zulu Natal Treasury
Job Title : Project Manager Municipal Support
Department : Municipal Finance
Ref.No. : KZNPT 16/59
Job Type : 3 year contract position
Salary : R898 743 p.a
Closing Date : 12/15/2016 12:00 AM

Website :
Notification :

Project Manager Municipal Support :

Purpose :
** To provide an effective and efficient specialized support services to Provincial Treasury’s Municipal Finance Unit and delegated Municipalities in terms of the Financial Management reforms required by Municipal Finance Management Act

Related : Saldanha Bay Municipality Municipal Manager :

Requirements :
** A degree in Management Accounting/Financial Accounting or related field (a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA)/post graduate qualification will be an advantage).
** Working knowledge of the various government financial systems.
** At least 5 years middle management experience in Public Finance/Treasury/External Auditing or related field.
** Knowledge and experience in project management essential.
** Preference will be given to candidates with experience in the municipal environment

Key Responsibilities :
** Develop and structure a program of work in line with the purpose of the Municipal Support Programme.
** Facilitate the implementation of the project through communication with municipalities, sub programs within Treasury, Provincial Departments and Treasuries as may be required.

** Analysis of financial information available to identify municipalities requiring support.
** Evaluate the suitability of the service providers on the panel to undertake specific assignments and assist in selecting the appropriate ones.

** Organize, manage the distribution amongst, and execution of project management work by, the directors (specialists).
** Develop the Terms of Reference, Engagement Letters and supporting project documentation for each project.

** Manage the contracts of each service provider to ensure not only compliance with the terms and conditions of the respective service level agreements/engagement letters but also ensures delivery of quality outputs by each service provider.

** Review progress reports on active projects weekly and be aware of progress or otherwise on all active projects.

** Constantly work towards ensuring service providers complete projects in the estimated time period and within the allotted budget.
** Provide guidance on technical and strategic matters relating to the projects undertaken.

** Advise and keep the Chief Director informed on projects, impediments to completion, news of significant events at municipalities MSP is
** involved in and any important news.
** Ensure expenditure on projects is incurred regularly and reflect the outputs of** the service providers.

** Monitor and manage components budget and logistical requirements.
** Train and mentor staff in the municipal finance unit as required.
** Provide guidance to Directors involved in management MSP projects.

Competencies, Knowledge & Skills :
** Understanding of GRAP accounting standards used by local government.

** Extensive working knowledge of public sector, particularly local government sphere.
** Detailed knowledge of public sector financial management systems and relevant legislative/statutes, including

** Constitution (as amended), PFMA and Treasury Regulations, Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), Municipal Systems Act (and amendments),
** Municipal Structures Act, Local Government Transition Act, PSRF (Public Service Regulatory Framework), PFMA Regulations (in respect of Supply Chain Management),

** Provincial Procurement Act and Regulations, Provincial Internal Audit Act, PGDS (Provincial Growth and Development Strategy), National Treasury guideline documents.

** In year monitoring and National Treasury Returns.
** Training and mentoring staff. Co-ordinating activities of different service providers.

Enquiries : Mr F Cassimjee( 033) 897.4541

Note :
** closing date 15 December 2016
** Candidates will be subjected to security screening prior employment.

** The department will conduct reference checks with the HR of current and/or previous employer(s) apart from the referees listed on CV.
** Onus is on the applicant to obtain and submit their foreign qualifications verified with SAQA © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map