External Bursary Programme 2017 : Saldanha Bay Municipality

Name of the Organization : Saldanha Bay Municipality
Announcement : External Bursary Programme 2017
Location : Vredenburg

Website :
Notification :

External Bursary Programme :

** External Bursary Towards Further Studies In 2017 For Three Students

Related : Oudtshoorn Local Municipality External Municipal Bursary Programme 2017 :


** Bursary applications are invited from candidates currently writing their Grade 12 examinations, for prospective first-year University students for the 2017 academic year which will be extended to a maximum of three years provided that the candidate adheres to the bursary conditions.

** The bursary is restricted to full-time study and attendance at an accredited University (not a University of Technology) and is eligible to individuals from historically disadvantaged societal groups or individuals with disabilities whose parents/guardians are residents within the Saldanha Bay Municipal Area.

** The maximum estimated bursary amount for 2017 is R50 000 per student.
** Applicants who intend to study in the following field and whom have been accepted by a University will be considered

** Studying towards a Bachelor’s degree with Financial Accounting as a major subject.
** Application forms are available at the Municipality’s Human Resource Management offices during business hours (08:00 – 16:30).
** Application forms are also available here.

Notes :
1. This document is not in any way an agreement or commitment.
2. The bursaries are awarded annually as per the conditions of the agreement between the recipient and Saldanha Bay Municipality. Renewal of the bursary is at the discretion of the municipality.

Related Post

3. The closing date for applications is 15 December 2016.
4. Your application will remain incomplete until we receive the letter of provisional acceptance to university and final Grade 12 results.

5. Applicants provisionally awarded bursaries will be notified by 15 January 2017.
6. Return completed form to Human Resource Services, Private Bag X12, Vredenurg, 7380.
7. No original documents attached to the application will be safe kept/returned.
8. No late applications will be considered.
9. Council beholds the right to award a bursary.

The Following Must Be Attached To This Application :
** (failure to provide all required documents in this section will disqualify your application)

Certified copies of :
** Applicants’ ID;
** Parents’/ Guardians’ ID;
** Proof of Parents’/ Guardians’ salary advise, pay-slip or 3 months bank statement (if unemployed);
** Grade 11 Results and also September Grade 12 results;

** University provisional acceptance letter (to be sent as soon as received);
** Copies of ID documents of persons dependent on family income;
** Affidavit of guardianship (if not staying with parents); and
** Proof of address of Parent or Guardian.

In your own handwriting on a separate sheet of paper write an essay on :
** Firstly – What motivates you studying towards an Accounting field;
** Secondly – Why do you believe you should be awarded the bursary.

Note :
** That the essay must not exceed 1 000 words.

For any enquiries contact the following persons :
Theodorr Williams :
Telephone: (022) 701 6821

Sandiso Gcwabe :
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