witbankcoalfieldsmedicalaid.co.za Witbank Coalfields Medical Aid Scheme : WCMAS

Name of the Organization : WCMAS
Type of Facility : Witbank Coalfields Medical Aid Scheme
Head Office : Witbank
Website : https://www.wcmas.co.za/

Witbank Coalfields Medical Aid Scheme

** WCMAS is a restricted membership scheme registered in terms of the medical schemes act, and has been servicing its members, associated Employer Groups, and the community for over 80 years.

Related : Metropolitan Medical Scheme Membership Application : www.southafricain.com/4681.html

** The Scheme was founded in 1935 and originated from the amalgamation of a number of “medical clubs” operated by some of the Coal Mines in the Witbank area.

Fraud May Cost You Your Membership of the Medical Scheme

** The Board of Trustees would like to point out to members that a number of cases have been detected where members and their dependants have committed fraud against the Scheme.

** These members have been reported to the SAPS and their membership of the Scheme has been cancelled. Some members even lost their jobs as well as employers terminated their employment due to them defrauding the medical scheme.

** The Scheme views fraud in a very serious light and would like to encourage members who have some concerns regarding fraud whether committed by a member or a supplier of services to contact the Manager of the Scheme, or the Board of Trustees, or the Disputes Committee or the Audit Committee.

Membership  FAQ

1) Can anyone join WCMAS?
WCMAS is a restricted Scheme providing medical aid cover to participating employers only.

2) What is the process to follow to become a participating employer?
Employers in the coal mining industry, with more than 100 employees wanting to join the scheme can contact the Principal Officer for further information.

3) Who is eligible for membership?
Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, members may apply to register the following as their dependants :
** the spouse or partner of a member who is not a member or registered dependant of another medical scheme and who must provide satisfactory proof to the Board of the committed relationship or marriage and mutual dependency and a shared and common household, irrespective of the gender of either party,

** a child, stepchild or legally adopted child of a member under the age of 21 or a child who has attained the age of 21 years but not yet 26, who is unmarried and a full time student at an institution recognized by the Board of Trustees.

** Should a member elect to cancel the registration of a child between the ages of 21 and 25 years as a dependant of the such child will not be eligible for re-registration as a dependant on the fund at a later date,

** a dependent child who is not in receipt of a regular remuneration of more than the maximum social pension per month or who due to a mental or physical disability, remains dependent upon the member after the age of 21.

4) What is the process of applying for membership :
** Prospective members can apply for membership through their respective HR or time offices. The person with whom the application form is completed will submit the form and supporting documents to the scheme.

5) How do I register my dependents?
A member may apply for the registration of his or her dependants at the time that he applies for membership or as follows :
** a member must register a new-born or newly adopted child within 30 days of the date of birth or adoption of the child, and increased contributions shall then be due as from the first day of the month following the month of birth or adoption and benefits will accrue as from the date of birth or adoption,

** a member who marries subsequent to joining the Scheme must within 30 days of such marriage register his or her spouse as a dependant.

** Increased contributions shall then be due as from the date of marriage and benefits will accrue as from the date of marriage.
** Students that are accepted as child dependants shall be recognised as such for periods of not more than twelve (12) months at a time.

6) How long will it take to register me or to make amendments on my membership?
The scheme endeavours to maintain a 5 day turnaround time, subject to receipt of all supporting documentation.

7) How will I know when I have been registered or my requested amendment made?
You will receive a membership certificate via e-mail or it will be sent to your time office. Your new membership card will be posted to you. Alternatively, you can phone the scheme’s call centre on (013) 656 1407.

8) Can my divorced spouse be registered as a dependent if the divorce settlement decrees that I am liable for cover?
The Scheme does not provide cover for divorced spouses even if the divorce settlement decrees that the member is liable for cover.

9) How much time do I have to inform the scheme of changes in my personal details?
A member must inform the Scheme within 30 days of the occurrence of any event which results in any one of his or her dependants no longer satisfying the conditions in terms of which he may be a dependant e.g. divorce or child dependant full time employed (this is not the complete list).

10) May my dependents or I be a beneficiary of more than one medical scheme?
No person may be a member of more than one medical scheme or a dependant of more than one member of a particular scheme. The membership will terminate if he or she becomes a member or a dependant of a member of another medical scheme.

Contact Address :
Witbank Coalfields Medical Aid Scheme
2nd Floor South Wing
WCMAS Building
Cnr. Susanna Street & OR Tambo Road

Categories: Scheme
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