Apply For Child Support Grant : South African Social Security Agency

Name of the Organization : South African Social Security Agency
Type of Facility : Apply For Child Support Grant
Location : Pretoria
Website :

SASSA Child Support Grant

** If you are needy, you can get a grant to help you raise the child you look after.

Related / Similar Facility : SASSA Apply for Disability Grant

How do you know if you qualify :
You must :
** Be the child’s primary caregiver (e.g. parent, grandparent or a child over 16 heading a family).

Note :
** If you are not the child’s parent, you must provide proof that you are the child’s primary caregiver through an affidavit from a police official, a social worker’s report, an affidavit from the biological parent or a letter from the principal of the school attended by the child.

** Be a South African citizen or permanent resident.
** Not earn more than R37 200 per year (R3 100 per month) if you are single.
** If you are married, your combined income should not be above R74 400 per year (R6 200 per month).

The child must :
** be under the age of 18 years
** not be cared for in a state institution
** live with the primary caregiver who is not paid to look after the child.
** Both you and the child must live in South Africa.

Note :
** You cannot get this grant for more than six children who are not your biological or legally adopted children.

How much will you get :
** You will get R320 a month per child.

How will you be paid :
The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will pay the grant to you through one of the following methods :
** cash at a specific pay point on a particular day
** electronic deposit into your bank or Postbank account (the bank may charge you for the service)
** an institution acting as administrator of the grant.

Note :
** If you are unable to collect the money yourself, you can appoint a procurator at the SASSA office, or give someone power of attorney to collect the grant on your behalf.

When may the child’s grant be reviewed :
** SASSA can decide if the child’s grant must be reviewed.
** Your income as declared when you apply for the grant will form the basis for this decision.

** You will be notified three months in advance of the date on which the review will take place or the date on which the life certificate (proof that you are still alive) is due.
** If you receive your money through the bank, an institution or procurator, you are required to fill in a life certificate for the child at the SASSA offices every year.

When may the child’s grant be suspended :
The following may result in the suspension of the child’s grant :
** a change in your circumstances change
** the outcome of a review
** if you fail to co-operate when the child’s grant is reviewed
** when you commit fraud or misrepresent the child
** if there was a mistake when the child’s grant was approved
** if the child is no longer in your care.

When will the child’s grant lapse :
The grant will lapse :
** if the child passes away
** if the child is admitted to a state institution
** if the caregiver doesn’t claim it for three consecutive months
** if the child is absent from the country
** at the end of the month in which the child turns 18.

How To Apply For SASSA Child Support Grant?

What you should do :
Go to the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) office nearest to where you live and bring the following :
** your 13 digit-bar-coded identity document (ID) and the child’s birth certificate.

Related Post

If you don’t have an ID or the child’s birth certificate
** ** you must complete an affidavit on a standard SASSA format in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths who is not a SASSA official.

Bring the following documents :
** a sworn statement by a reputable person (e.g. councillor, traditional leader, social worker, minister of religion) who knows the applicant and child
** proof that you have applied for an ID and/or birth certificate at the Department of Home Affairs

** a temporary ID issued by the Department of Home Affairs (if applicable)
** baptismal certificate if available
** road to health clinic card if available
** school report if available.

** Proof of any maintenance you receive for the child.
** Proof of your earnings.
** Your marriage certificate (if applicable).

** If you are divorced, the court order saying that you have custody of the child.
** If one or both parents are dead or missing, the death certificate of the deceased or proof that the parent is missing, e.g. a missing person’s report from the police.

** Complete the application form in the presence of the SASSA officer (note that only you as the applicant or a SASSA official may complete the application form).
** You will be given a receipt. Keep it as proof that you applied.

What if your application is not approved :
** If your application is not approved, SASSA will inform you in writing why your application was unsuccessful.
** If you disagree with the decision, you can appeal to the Minister of Social Development at the national office of the Department of Social Development.
** You must appeal within 90 days of being notified that your application was unsuccessful.

How long does it take :
** It may take up to three months to process your application.
** If your grant is approved, you will be paid from the date on which you applied.

How much does it cost :
** The service is free.

Forms to complete :
** Application forms are not available online, but you can get them from your nearest (SASSA) office.

FAQ On SASSA Child Support Grant

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the South African Social Security Agency’s (SASSA) Child Support Grant:

Q: What is the SASSA Child Support Grant?
A: The SASSA Child Support Grant is a monthly grant provided to eligible caregivers who are responsible for the care and support of children under the age of 18.

Q: Who is eligible for the SASSA Child Support Grant?
A: To be eligible for the SASSA Child Support Grant, the child must be under the age of 18, reside in South Africa, and the caregiver must meet certain income and means test requirements.

Q: How much is the SASSA Child Support Grant?
A: The SASSA Child Support Grant amount is reviewed annually and may change. As of 2021, the grant amount is R460 per month.

Q: How do I apply for the SASSA Child Support Grant?
A: You can apply for the SASSA Child Support Grant by visiting your nearest SASSA office or completing an online application on the SASSA website. You will need to provide certain documents and information, including your identity document, proof of income, and the child’s birth certificate.

Q: How long does it take to receive the SASSA Child Support Grant after applying?
A: The processing time for the SASSA Child Support Grant application varies, but it can take up to three months from the date of application to receive the grant.


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  • Ms. N.Lee says:

    I am a single mo with 3 kids whose father was killed. I have completed paperwork but because of the lockdown i ahve been unable to submit these papers which are now out of date and have to be re done. I attempted to apply for a food pacel but to no avail. PLEASE HELP. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map