tendopro.com #STOPTHECARNAGE – Stop The Carnage Competition

Organization : Tendopro
Competition Name : #STOPTHECARNAGE – Stop The Carnage Competition
Applicable For : Open to South African citizens only
Competition Deadline : 11 JANUARY 2017
Prize : Chevrolet Spark

Website : tendopro.com

#Stopthecarnage Terms & Conditions :

Terms For Entry To Stand A Chance Of Winning The Car :
** This competition is opened to all South Africans with a valid South African ID number, is 17 years and older and is in possession of either of a valid learners or drivers licence.

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** This competition starts on 09 NOVEMBER 2016 and closes on 11 JANUARY 2017. An entrant is required to leave their “PLEDGE” by submitting their personal details ie NAME & SURNAME / MOBILE NO / EMAIL ADDRESS to qualify their entry into the competition.

** Tendopro.com reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this competition without notice.
** Only one entry for this competition will be allowed. Multiple entries will not increase your chance of winning the main prize.

** Manipulating your entry/entries to this competition, whether through a manual or automated script, will result in an immediate disqualification and your entries removed from the database of competition entries.

** Only a completed entry that contains the aforementioned personal details can qualify to stand a chance of winning the main prize.
** Personal information provided is held by Tendopro.com.
** All personal information is stored securely and will not be supplied to third parties for the purpose of unsolicited marketing.

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** The winner of the main prize will be notified telephonically by a Tendopro.com representative.
** The winner of the main prize hereby consent to have their name/photographs used for winner announcements on TV and in digital media.
** An automated draw after the closing date will be used to select the winner.

** The main prize for the #STOPTHECARNAGE campaign is a new Chevrolet Spark.
** The model of the Chevrolet Spark to be confirmed once the winner is announced.
** The main prize cannot be exchanged for cash and is not transferable.

** Should the winner of the main prize not be in possession of a valid driver’s licence, but a learner’s licence only, the vehicle will be registered in the name of next of kin/family member/friend who is in possession of a valid driver’s licence to be nominated by the winner.

** Should the winner not have a next of kin/family member/friend to transfer the vehicle to, the second name from the draw will be nominated as the winner of the main prize.
** General Motors (SA), Tendopro.com, YFM, Media 24 and Soweto TV and family members of aforementioned organisations may not enter this competition.

** All entrants and winners indemnify General Motors South Africa, Tendopro.com, YFM, Media 24, Soweto TV and its directors, officers, employees and agents, against any and all claims for any loss or damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise, arising from any cause whatsoever from their participation in any way howsoever in this competition.

** The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into post selection of winners.
** The main prize will be delivered to a GM/Chevrolet dealership near the winner’s domicile.
** All registration costs to register the vehicle will be taken care of on behalf of the winner.

** All costs for running and maintaining the vehicles after taking delivery of the vehicle are for the winner’s account.
** By submitting an entry, an entrant accepts the above terms and conditions.

Tags: tendopro.com
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