Lens Kit Instagram Competition 2016 : Vodacom South Africa

Organization : Vodacom South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Lens Kit Instagram Competition 2016
Applicable For : Citizen of or permanent resident in the RSA
Competition Deadline : 6th of February 2017
Prize : R150 000 worth of Game Vouchers

Website :

Instagram Competition :

Terms & Conditions – Lens Kit Competition Nov, Dec 2016 and January 2017 :
** The Lens Kit Competition (the “Competition”) is conducted by Game in conjunction with Vodacom South Africa (Pty) Ltd (“VSA”) (the “Partner”) in the Republic of South Africa (the “RSA”).

Related : Game Jamoji Competition :

** “Entrant/s” means all persons eligible to enter the Competition (as set out in paragraph 9) and who enter the Competition in the manner detailed in paragraph 11.
** “Prize Winner/s” means the 15 (fifteen) Entrants, who are found to have won the Prize/s.
** “Promoters” means VSA, the Partner and / or their sponsorship, promotion or advertising agency/ies.

** It is important that all Entrants read and understand these terms and conditions. All Entrants agree that the terms and conditions contained in this document, as amended from time to time and interpreted by the Promoters, are binding on them. A copy of these terms and conditions is available at Game website- All Entrants participate in the Competition entirely at their own risk.

** Nothing in these terms and conditions should be seen as unlawfully restricting, limiting or avoiding any rights or obligations of either the Entrants or the Promoters in terms of the Consumer Protection Act No. 68 of 2008 (the “CPA”).

Entry Conditions :
** This Competition opens on 00h01 on 8th of November 2016 and closes on 23h59 on 6th of February 2017 (the “Competition Period”).
** No late entries will be accepted.

In order to be eligible to participate in the Competition, Entrants must :
** be a natural person (i.e. Entrants cannot be a juristic entity);
** be a citizen of or permanent resident in the RSA;
** hold a valid RSA ID document or residence permit and passport document;

** be 18 (eighteen) years old or older, prior to the start of the Competition Period; and
** provide correct and full personal details (including but not limited to their full name, ID or passport number, physical address, postal address, e-mail address and contact number), as required by the Promoters

** The Promoters and their directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants, the suppliers of goods or services in connection with this Competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the above named parties and their respective spouses, life- partners, business partners or immediate family members are not permitted to participate in this Competition.

To enter the Competition, Entrants must during the Competition Period :
** Purchase a Vodacom Contract from Game Stores between the 8th November 2016 and 4 February 2017.
** Submit 2(two) images, one of the subject and one of the entrant with the Lens Kit and hashtag #instagame and #playeveryday to Facebok.

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** All Entrants who meet the eligibility requirements and fulfil the entry conditions set out above will be automatically entered into the Competition.
** Entrants may enter the Competition as many times as they wish, provided that they fulfil the entry conditions detailed in paragraph 11 for each individual entry.

** All Entrants who meet the eligibility requirements and fulfil the entry conditions set out above during the Competition Period will be automatically entered into the Competition.
** Multiple entries per person will accepted.
** Each Entrant will only be entitled to win 1 (one) Prize in the Competition.

** Valid entry winners will be randomly drawn throughout the promotional period.
** Winners shall provide proof of purchase of a Vodacom Contract with Lens Kit in order to qualify for prizes.
** Winners will receive notification via Facebook.

Prize :
Entrants stand a chance to win the following prize/s :
** Your share of R150 000 worth of Game Vouchers

** Fifteen (15) winners will be randomly chosen. Prizes are not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or other prizes. The Prizes don’t include any additional extras, other than those specifically described above.

** The draw will take place on a monthly basis, commencing November 2016 until 4 February 2017 at a time and venue to be determined by the Promoters. Prize Winners will be contacted telephonically by the Promoters or their authorized agents by no later than 15th February 2017].

The Promoters reserve the right to :
** at any time prior to the final draw amend the terms and conditions of the Competition (including but not limited to varying the dates, times and / or places of the draw) or to terminate or suspend the Competition.The Promoters shall publish the new details in the revised terms and conditions.

** In the event of such change, suspension or termination, all Entrants agree to waive any rights that they may have in terms of the Competition and acknowledge that they will have no recourse against the Promoters, its advisors, suppliers and / or authorised agents; and

** Disqualify a Prize Winner/s if they are unable to make contact with a Prize Winner/s after reasonable efforts to do so. Disqualified Prize Winner/s will have no claim against the Promoters in such circumstances and will be deemed to have forfeited their Prize/s. The Promoters reserve the right to award the Prize/s to the next randomly drawn correct entry, at a separate draw.

** Should the Promoters be unable to make contact with a replacement Prize Winner after reasonable efforts to do so, then the provisions of this clause shall apply to that new Prize Winner/s in the same way as if he/she were the original Prize Winner/s.

** The Prize Winner/s must be able to identify them (in a manner determined by the Promoters) as the Entrant that entered the Competition and will have to comply with the required validation procedures in order to claim the Prize/s. If the Prize Winner/s are not able to do so to the Promoters’ satisfaction, such Prize Winner/s will forfeit the Prize/s and the Prize/s will be distributed as provided for in clause 8.2 above.

** The Prize Winner/s undertake to timeously do all things necessary to enable the Promoters to comply with its obligations under the CPA including, but not limited to signing an acknowledgement of receipt of the Prize upon its delivery.

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