Full-Time Bursaries – 2017 : Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University

Name of the Organization : Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU)
Announcement : SMU Full-Time Bursaries 2017
Deadline : October
Head Office : Pretoria

Website :
Guideline :

Full-Time Bursaries – 2017 :

** The Department of Environmental Affairs is inviting full-time students to apply for bursaries, to be awarded in the 2017 academic year, in the following fields of study.

Related : Friends of Design Full Ride Bursaries :

Field Of Study :
Chemicals and Waste Management : (Ref: BA01/2017)
** M Sc Environmental Science specialising in Solid Waste Management
** M Sc Environmental Science (Waste Management)
** M Sc Environmental Chemistry

Climate Change and Air Quality Management : (Ref: BA02/2017)
** LLB specialising in Environmental Science
** B Sc Environmental Science with Chemistry as a subject
** B Sc Analytical Chemistry
** B Tech Metrology
** B Sc./B Eng in Environmental Engineering
** B Sc Hons/M S c Atmospheric Science/Air Quality Modelling

Environmental Programmes : (Ref: BA03/2017)
** B Sc Conservation Ecology
** B Sc Forestry and Natural Resource Sciences
** B Sc Biological Resources

** B Sc People and the Environment
** B Sc Environmental Economics
** B Sc Environmental Sciences

Legal Authorisations and Enforcement : (BA04/2017)
** LLB/BA Law specialising with Environmental Law or Contract Law or Administrative Law or Legislative drafting
** Degree or ND: Paralegal
** BA Environmental Management specialising in Environmental Impact Assessment

** B Sc Chemistry specialising in Botany or Air Quality Studies
** B Sc specialising in Geography or Oceanography
** BA Information Management

Biodiversity and Conservation : (BA05/2017)
** Bachelor’s Degree/ND Environmental Economics/Natural Resource Economics
** Natural Sciences; Environmental Sciences/Management
** Biological Sciences, Biochemistry; Microbiology
** B Sc Zoology, Nature Conservation; Bsc Botany

Related Post

Oceans and Coast : (BA06/2017)
** ND/B Tech/B Sc Hons/M Sc/PhD: Marine Science
** B Sc Zoology
** B Sc Environmental Economics
** B Tech/M Tech: Oceanography
** B Sc Environmental Science/Management
** PhD: Taxonomy (Zooplankton/Phytoplankton)

** B Sc/B Sc Hons/M Sc/PhD: Marine Remote Sensing
** Consideration will be given to previously disadvantaged and people with disability who are South African students who have successfully completed their first year of undergraduate study or those who are currently registered for postgraduate studies.

** However, strongly motivated applications from first-year students within the above mentioned fields of study will also be considered.
** The maximum amount of the bursary is R40 000.00

Interested students must submit the following documents :
** Motivation as to why the bursary should be awarded to you
** Certified copies of qualifications and recent academic records
** Certified copies of Identity Document (Applicant and the both parents or guardian)

** Confirmation of proof of registration (if already enrolled with the institution of higher learning) or Admission letter
** Proof of parents or guardian’s income
** Must be a South African citizen.
** The bursary application form is obtainable from or

Pretoria :
Environment House,
473 Steve Biko Street,
Cnr Steve Biko and Soutpansberg Road,
Arcadia, Pretoria

Cape Town:
63 Strand Street,
Cape Town.

Contact Details:
** Busisiwe Stemele (012) 399-8685
** Nita Makgohlo (012) 399 8684
** Mokhobo Putu (012) 399 9018

Contact Details :
** Nkosikhona Zuma (021) 814 8085
** Nozuko Grootboom (021) 814 8088

Note :
** This advert only applies to individuals that are registered as fulltime students with the institution of higher learning and not employed.
** Please indicate clearly on the application form the reference number and the study field.
** Correspondence will be limited to successful applicants only.

** If you have not been contacted by end of January 2017, please accept that your application was unsuccessful, Successful applicants will be expected to sign a bursary contract.
** No faxed documents / applications will be allowed.

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