2017 VUSI Ngubeni Qualifying School Competition : Sunshine Tour

Organization : Sunshine Tour
Competition Name : 2017 VUSI Ngubeni Qualifying School
Applicable For : South African born players
Competition Deadline : 12th January 2017
Competition Date : 24 – 27 January 2017
Prize : R20 000
Entry fee: R400
Venue : Modderfontein Golf Club

Website :
Terms & Condition :

2017 VUSI Ngubeni Qualifying School Competition :

Entries Close :
Non Sunshine Tour Members: Thursday 5th January 2017 (5pm)
2016/2017 Sunshine Tour members: Thursday 12th January 2017 (5pm)

Related : Golf Digest Win The New Cleveland Golf Rtx-3 Wedge :

1. Eligibility For Entry :
** The Vusi Ngubeni Qualifying School (hereafter referred to as the “Q School”) is open to historically disadvantaged South African born players*, who are male and over the age of 18 at the commencement of the Q School.
** Historically disadvantaged players are defined as Blacks, Coloureds, Indians, and Chinese who arrived before 1994

Note to Amateurs :
** It is not in itself a breach of the Rules of Amateur Status for an amateur golfer under the jurisdiction of the R & A Rules Ltd.

** to file an entry for and play the Vusi Ngubeni Qualifying School, provided that the player waives his right to prize money by completing the appropriate forms attached to this entry form.

** Forms are also available at the tournament office. An amateur golfer who fails to waive his right to prize money is in breach of the Rules, but if he is unsuccessful at the Q School, he may apply for re-instatement as an amateur

2. Format :
** The Q School will be played over 72 holes of stroke play with a cut after 36 holes.
** The number of players making the cut will be advertised before the commencement of the first round.

** In the event of play being declared null and void for any round of the Q School, any additional play will be at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

3. Entry Fees, Payment Procedures And Deadlines :
** The entry fee for the Q School is R400.
** All entry forms must be accompanied by an entry fee, payable by cash, cheques, direct deposits or credit cards.
** No entry will be accepted without an accompanying entry fee payment.

Southern Africa Tour Bank Details are as follows :
Business Winelands
Account No: 149 811 6655
Branch #: 198765
Note :
** Please use the letters VUSI, followed by your initial and surname as a reference when making payment
** Please send the deposit slip along with the entry form to the Sunshine Tour at fax number 021 852 8271 or email entries AT

** Any entry form without such proof of payment will be rejected.
** You are advised to retain your fax transmission printout or sent e-mail as proof of communication with the Sunshine Tour.

4. Closing Date For Entries :
** Non Sunshine Tour Members – Entries close on Thursday 5th January 2017 @ 5pm
** 2016/2017 Sunshine Tour Members – Entries close on Thursday 12th January 2017 @ 5pm
** The Tournament Director shall be entitled to accept or reject a late entry on merit.

5. Registration :
** All players must register by no later than 14h00 on Monday 23 January 2017.

** Any player failing to register timeously will forfeit his entry fee
** Registration can be done in person, or by a person designated by the player to act on his behalf, at the tournament office or by telephone to the tournament office, or the head office on (021) 850 6500.

** Failure to register timeously will result in a player being withdrawn from the event and removed from the draw.
** His entry fee will be refunded as per paragraph 7.2 below

6. Acceptance Of Application To Enter :
** The Onus Lies With The Player To Ensure That His Entry Form And Fee Has Been Received By The Sunshine Tour On Time

7. Withdrawal Procedures :
** All withdrawals must be submitted in writing to the Sunshine Tour, and clearly marked for the Membership Department

7.1 Any player withdrawing prior to the closing date for entries will be refunded his entry fee in full.
7.2 Any player, other than those in 7.3 below, withdrawing after the closing date for entries without competing will be refunded R200.

7.2 Any 2016/2017 Sunshine Tour member withdrawing after the relevant closing date for entries, due to finishing in the Top 100 positions on the Final 2016/2017 Sunshine Tour Order of Merit, will be refunded his entry fee in full.

7.4 If a player misses his official tee time for the first round of the Q School, he will be disqualified and he will forfeit his entry fee.
7.5 Once a player has teed off, he will not be refunded his entry fee.

8. Form And Make Of Clubs :
** All players obtaining a card at the Q School will be required to have their clubs conform to the groove and punch mark specifications in the Rules of Golf as from the first Sunshine Tour or Big Easy Tour tournament they participate in in 2017.

9. Practice Times :
** The official practice day will be Monday 23 January 2017.
** Players can book practice times by calling Modderfontein GC.
** Any player wishing to play a practice round prior to this must arrange times with the golf club.
** Players are reminded that they are obliged to pay green fees, should such a request be put to a player for any practice round other than the official practice day.
Note :
** The rules and regulations of Modderfontein Golf Club must be strictly adhered to at all times.

10. Prize Money :
** Prize money of R20 000 will be paid out to all professionals finishing within the top 10 positions and ties, on conclusion of the Q School.
** All prize money payments will be subject to a 5% levy.

Categories: Contest

View Comments (3)

  • Anonymous says:

    I want to know how I can get a players draw.

  • Paul Adams Chidale says:

    I would like to know whether we are allowed to play in this tournament.

    • Jacobus Steenkamp says:

      I was there in 2011. It is very nice experience. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map